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 An important factor to understanding learning styles is understanding brain functioning.  Both sides of the brain can reason, but by different strategies,

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Presentation on theme: " An important factor to understanding learning styles is understanding brain functioning.  Both sides of the brain can reason, but by different strategies,"— Presentation transcript:


2  An important factor to understanding learning styles is understanding brain functioning.  Both sides of the brain can reason, but by different strategies, and one side may be dominant over the other.


4  Left brain individuals process information in a linear manner.  They take pieces to the puzzle, line them up, and arrange them in logical order. From this drawing their conclusion to the puzzle.  Left brain persons are list makers. They enjoy making a master schedule and doing daily planning.

5  People of left brain are usually good spellers because spelling involves sequence.  Left brains also work in the linear and sequential processing of math and following directions.  They have no trouble processing symbols, memorizing vocabulary words and math formulas


7  Rational  Respond to verbal instructions  Controlled, systematic experiments  Problem solves logically and sequentially looking at the parts of things  Makes objective judgments  Looks at differences  Is planned and structured  Prefers established, certain information.

8  Analytic reader  Primary reliance on language in thinking and remembering  Prefers talking and writing  Prefers multiple choice test  Controls feelings  Prefers hierarchical authority structures  Talks, and talks, and talks  Sees cause and effect  Draws on previously accumulated, organized information


10  While left brain people think in logical order, right brain process from a whole to a part, holistically.  Right brain have difficulty in following a lecture unless they are given the big picture first.  It is important for a right brained person to read a chapter prior to lecture to better understand what is being discussed.

11  The approach of a right brained person is random.  Because of the random nature of a right brain, they should make list and schedules to help them stay on track.  Right brain people are color sensitive. Try using colors to establish sequences.


13  Right brain people are concrete.  They want to see, feel, or touch the real object.  Right brain individuals may have trouble learning to read using phonics.  They prefer to see words in context and to see how formulas work.  Create opportunities for hands on activities to use your right brain.

14  When processing being a right brain, they use intuition.  They may know the right answer to a problem, but are not sure how they got it.  On a quiz, they have a gut feeling as to which answers are correct, and they are usually right.  The right side of the brain pays attention to coherence and meaning, tells you if it “feels” right.

15  Intuitive  Responds to demonstrated instructions  Open-ended, random experiments  Problem solves with hunches, looking for patterns  Makes subjective judgments  Looks at similarities  Is fluid and spontaneous  Prefers elusive, uncertain information

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