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Assessments and Data. Essential Question: How can well organized and analyzed data help us to improve student learning? How can well organized and analyzed.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessments and Data. Essential Question: How can well organized and analyzed data help us to improve student learning? How can well organized and analyzed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessments and Data

2 Essential Question: How can well organized and analyzed data help us to improve student learning? How can well organized and analyzed data help us to improve student learning?

3 If data is to be useful, we must all understand that the purpose of data is not to evaluate/hurt us (teachers, principals, administrators), but to evaluate/help our students achievement.

4 Types of Assessment Summative Summative Formative Formative Benchmark Benchmark Diagnostic Diagnostic What is the difference?


6 Which types of assessments (specifically) are available to you at your grade level (or band), within your content here at Warrior Run? (Summative, Formative, Benchmark, Diagnostic)


8 What type of assessment is the 4Sight? In what ways is it different from the other assessments we currently administer?

9 4Sight Assessments 1) Benchmark assessments 2) Test the eligible content within our state standards 3) Test a years worth of content on each test 4) Can be administered up to 5 times 5) Are a predictor of a students performance on the PSSA, if he/she took them the same day.

10 How can we use the 4Sight data that we receive? How can we ensure that the data the 4Sight gives us is accurate?

11 Where do we start? The experts tendency to complicate the use and analysis of student achievement data often ensures that few educators avail themselves of datas simple, transparent power. The effective use of data depends on simplicity and economy. The experts tendency to complicate the use and analysis of student achievement data often ensures that few educators avail themselves of datas simple, transparent power. The effective use of data depends on simplicity and economy. -Mike Schmoker, 2003 -Mike Schmoker, 2003

12 Today, data can help you answer two important questions: How many students are succeeding in the subject(s) I teach? -and- Within those subjects, what are the areas of strength and weakness?

13 Morning Goals (9 AM – 12PM): 1) Look over the discussion graphic organizer before you read. 2) Read the two articles provided and jot down your thoughts during and after reading. 3) Discuss your responses to the articles within your group. 4) Hand in your response sheet (you can have it back later, if you want). Answers will be shared (anonymously) after lunch.

14 Take a 20 minute break! Take a 20 minute break! Refreshments in the Middle School Cafeteria from 9:30 to 9:50 AM. Refreshments in the Middle School Cafeteria from 9:30 to 9:50 AM.

15 After break… 1) Open the Curriculum Wiki in a tab or window and keep handy.



18 1) Look at your 4Sight data and answer the questions provided. 2) Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of our students. Consider the root cause of each.


20 1) Discuss and create an action plan as a result of your analysis of the 4Sight data available thus far.


22 Discuss and fill out the brainstorming survey to help make future tests and data team meetings meaningful. Discuss and fill out the brainstorming survey to help make future tests and data team meetings meaningful.


24 Member Center: Username= bboerckelwt bboerckeltv bboerckeltv bboerckelms bboerckelms bboerckelhs bboerckelhs Password= watsontown turbotville turbotville wrms wrms wrhs wrhs


26 Lunch 12-1 PM Lunch 12-1 PM Meet in the HS Auditorium at 1 PM for an introduction to the Standards Aligned System. Meet in the HS Auditorium at 1 PM for an introduction to the Standards Aligned System. 1-3 Small group exploration of SAS 1-3 Small group exploration of SAS

27 When in your group… has this PP and access to the Word documents of the handouts you will receive. has this PP and access to the Word documents of the handouts you will receive. They are under the January 18 th In- service tab. Save them to your folder and type on them, if youd prefer. They are under the January 18 th In- service tab. Save them to your folder and type on them, if youd prefer. Please fill out the survey before leaving for lunch. Please fill out the survey before leaving for lunch.

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