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Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 1 WIS GISCs & DCPCs Functions and Specifications Heinrich Knottenberg

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Presentation on theme: "Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 1 WIS GISCs & DCPCs Functions and Specifications Heinrich Knottenberg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 1 WIS GISCs & DCPCs Functions and Specifications Heinrich Knottenberg ( Deutscher Wetterdienst (

2 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 2 ET WISC: Activities 2007/2008 Ad-hoc Information and Advisory Meeting on the Region VI VGISC-DCPC project (10th June 2008; Darmstadt) ET WISC (11th-13th June 2008; Darmstadt) ICG-WIS (14th-17th July 2008; Brasilia)

3 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 3 Expert Team on WIS GISCs and DCPCs (ET-WISC) Terms Of Reference Co-chair on WIS GISCs, Co-chair on WIS DCPCs a)Develop technical and operational specifications for the different components of the WIS GISCs b)Develop technical and operational specifications for the different components of the WIS DCPCs c)Develop criteria for interoperability and certification for actual implementation d)Coordinate related pilot projects.

4 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 4 ET WISC - Development  The European VGISC/SIMDAT-Project is the Reference Project  Critical Issue  Description of GISC technical and operational specifications (Services, Interfaces and operational Procedures) to be developed in parallel to VGISC development to support the development of independent GISC technologies –WMO Consultants (David Thomas, Eliot Christian, Robert Husband, Fred Branski) developed the “WIS Functional Specification” and cross-checked this with the VGISC- Specifications.  A pre-delivery of the VGISC Specification was made available to WMO Members for preview

5 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 5 Outcome of ICG-WIS 2008  WIS Specifications were endorsed, please visit   GISCs are expected to manage the GTS-Network in their area of responsibility  All GISCs are expected to connect to the RA VI RMDCN  New Tasks/WGs  Al Kellie (Chair): Assess Offers for GISC/DCPC candidates  Matteo dell’ Aqua (Chair): Assess Demonstrations of GISC/DCPC Candidates at CBS  Fred Branski (Lead Editor): Manual on WIS

6 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 6 VGISC Development  Issues – SIMDAT (Deliverables 2007/2008)  Virtual Organisation (Technical Aspects)  Subscription Service (Demonstrator)  GTS ingestion  Issues – VGISC-Project Office (Finished Nov 2007)  Virtual Organisation (Governance Aspects)  Cost estimate for an operational VGISC software  Issues – VGISC Software Procurement (2008/2009)  Procurement of the VGISC Software (First step: Invitation To Tender) including full GTS support (via Data- and Control Connectors to the existing MSS Systems)

7 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 7 VGISC Project Overview (2008-10-25) Year 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - Preparations SIMDAT Project Distribution Systems of the Partners e.g. WebWerdis, DIFMET, ECPDS, JEDDS, EUMETCast, RETIM2000 Subscription Service Project Office Development (phased) ITT Phases 1,2,3 Supervision / Management Steering Group Policy Board Supervision / Management Procurement Steering Committee Operations Central Support Office (at ECMWF)

8 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 8 VGISC ITT (I)  VGISC ITT  Partners  VGISC: DWD, Meteo-France, UK MetOffice  DCPCs ECWMF, (IPY), EUMETSAT  Support from: WMO, CMA  Decision to use Competitive Dialogue form of procurement  VGISC Central Support Office  Planned to start work at ECWMF beginning of 2009  Tasks: reverence systems, acceptance of SW-deliveries

9 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 9 VGISC ITT (II)

10 Abteilung Systeme und Betrieb ICT-ISS, Geneva 10.-12.November 2008 Page 10 Questions ?

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