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1 Links between DAOS-WG and ET-EGOS John Eyre (Chair ET-EGOS) DAOS-WG, 4 th meeting, Exeter, 27-28 June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Links between DAOS-WG and ET-EGOS John Eyre (Chair ET-EGOS) DAOS-WG, 4 th meeting, Exeter, 27-28 June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Links between DAOS-WG and ET-EGOS John Eyre (Chair ET-EGOS) DAOS-WG, 4 th meeting, Exeter, 27-28 June 2011

2 2 Links between WMO/CAS/THORPEX/ICSC/DAOS-WG and WMO/CBS/OPAG-IOS/ET-EGOS Expert Team on Evolution of Global Observing Systems

3 3 WMO structure WMO | Commissions CAS CCl CAeM CHy CBS CAgM CIMO JCOMM | |. Open Programme Area Groups (OPAGs) IOS ISS DPFS PWS |. Expert Teams. ET-EGOS ET-SAT ET-SUP ET-AWS ET-AIR ET-SBRSO

4 4 Global observing systems: the evolution process User requirements for observations Implementation Plan Programmes of Members and Agencies Gap Analyses (Statements of Guidance) Long-term Vision for global observing systems Observing capabilities User requirements for observations

5 5 ET-EGOS: tasks Run “Rolling Review of Requirements” (RRR) process –observation requirements –observing system capabilities –“Statements of Guidance” (gap analyses) –implications for evolution of observing systems –assess studies of real/hypothetical changes to observing systems, with the assistance of NWP centres Develop new version of Implementation Plan for Evolution of global observing systems, based on the “Vision for the GOS in 2025” Application areas: Global NWP, High-res. NWP, Seasonal and inter-annual forecasting, Aeronautical met., Nowcasting and VSRF, Atmospheric chemistry, Ocean applications, Hydrology, Climate (GCOS), Climate (CCl), …

6 6 Vision for the GOS in 2025

7 7 General themes and issues Response to user needs Integration Expansion Automation Consistency and homogeneity

8 8 Space-based component of the GOS Operational geostationary satellites Operational polar-orbiting sun-synchronous satellites Additional operational missions in appropriate orbits Operational pathfinders and technology demonstrators Polar and geo platforms/instruments for space weather

9 9 Space-based component of the GOS (2) Some trends – what will be delivered? Expanded observing capability Higher resolution – spatial, temporal, spectral Improved availability and timeliness of data Improved calibration and inter-calibration Some trends – how will it be delivered? Expanded community of contributing agencies Increased collaboration between agencies R&D satellites playing an increasing role R&D capabilities progressively transferred to operations Use of constellations of satellites

10 10 Surface-based component of the GOS (1) Land – upper-air Land – surface Land – hydrology Land – weather radar Ocean – upper-air Ocean – surface Ocean – sub-surface R&D and operational pathfinders

11 11 Surface-based component of the GOS (2) Some trends and issues: Improvements: more observed variables, accuracy, resolution, … Improved support to nowcasting and very short-range forecasting Radiosonde network – optimisation, GUAN, GRUAN Aircraft systems – expansion of fleet, of variables measured, … Land-surface stations – includes GSN, wider variety of networks Surface marine – improved temporal resolution and timeliness Ocean sub-surface – in situ, gliders, … Improved weather radar – enhanced accuracy, coverage, variables.. Other remote sensing – profilers, coastal HF radar, GNSS, … Lightning detection – long-range, and high-resolution short-range Atmospheric composition – new strategy, integration (WIGOS)

12 12 Implementation The new Vision – a realistic aspiration and target for 2025 –Long development lead-times for some components CBS endorsed the new Vision in 2009  Now working on new Implementation Plan –Provide guidance for WMO Members and partner consortia –Propose roles for fulfilling the new Vision –Set out “road-map” for achieving it

13 13 Role of impact studies OSEs OSSEs Forecast impact of observations Other impact studies Network design studies … NWP centres Workshops on THORPEXImpact of ObsET-EGOS in NWP others Next (5 th ) workshop – 22-25 May 2012, Arizona

14 14 Proposed impact studies (1) What density of surface pressure observations over ocean is needed to complement high-density surface wind observations from satellites? What network of in situ observations is needed in the stratosphere to complement current satellite observations (including radio occultation)? What is the impact of AMDAR observations? What is the impact of coverage of profiles from ASAPs? What are the impacts of radar observations, including radial winds and reflectivities?

15 15 Proposed impact studies (2) At what level does the impact of radio occultation observations start to saturate? What is the impact of new developments in the assimilation of radiance data over land? What benefits are found when data from more than one passive sounder are available from satellites in complementary orbits What impacts are found from AMVs?

16 16 Proposed impact studies (3) What impacts/benefits are found from data density/thinning strategies What should be the focus of improvements for observations of the PBL in support of regional/high- resolution NWP? Can EUCOS-like upper air studies be performed for other regions? What insights can be gained from more tailored use of adjoint- and ensemble-based measures of observation impact? Which observations are particularly important for 7-14 day forecast range? What do experiments on targeted observations tell us about observing system design? What impacts/benefits could be expected by sustained components of the AMMA and IPY special observing systems?

17 17 Concluding remarks ET-EGOS welcomes help and advice from THORPEX on questions relevant to the cost- effective evolution of global observing systems

18 18 End Thank-you for your attention

19 19 Space-based component of the GOS (1) Operational geostationary satellites – at least 6 – each with: Infra-red/visible multi-spectral imager Infra-red hyper-spectral sounder Lightning imager Operational polar-orbiting sun-synchronous satellites - in 3 orbital planes – each with: Infra-red/visible multi-spectral imager Microwave sounder Infra-red hyper-spectral sounder

20 20 Space-based component of the GOS (2) Additional operational missions in appropriate orbits: Microwave imagers Scatterometers Radio occultation constellation Altimeter constellation Infra-red dual-view imager – sea surface temperature Advanced visible/NIR imagers – ocean colour, vegetation Visible/infra-red imager constellation – land-surface Precipitation radars Broad-band visible/IR radiometers – radiation budget Atmospheric composition monitoring instruments Synthetic aperture radar

21 21 Space-based component of the GOS (3) Operational pathfinders and technology demonstrators: Doppler wind lidar Low-freq. microwave radiometer – salinity, soil moisture Microwave imager/sounder on geos - precipitation Advanced imagers on geos Imagers on satellites in high-inclination, elliptical orbits Gravimetric sensors – water: lakes, rivers, ground Polar and geo platforms/instruments for space weather - for solar imagery, particle detection, electron density

22 The surface-based component

23 23 Surface-based component of the GOS (2) Land – upper-air Upper-air synoptic and reference stations Aircraft Remote-sensing upper-air profiling stations Atmospheric composition stations GNSS receiver stations Land – surface Surface synoptic and climate reference stations Lightning detection system stations Atmospheric composition stations Application-specific stations (road weather, airports, agromet., urban met., …)

24 24 Surface-based component of the GOS (3) Land – hydrology Hydrological reference stations National hydrological network stations Land – weather radar Weather radar stations Ocean – upper-air Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme (ASAP) ships

25 25 Surface-based component of the GOS (4) Ocean – surface Synoptic sea stations – ocean, island, coastal, fixed platform Ships Buoys – moored and drifting Ice buoys Tide stations Ocean – sub-surface Profiling floats Ice tethered platforms Ships of opportunity

26 26 Surface-based component of the GOS (4) R&D and operational pathfinders - EXAMPLES GRUAN stations UAVs Gondolas Aircraft – chemistry, aerosols, … Instrumented marine animals Ocean gliders …

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