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Brief Update on Product Developments (GRWG) Jo Schmetz 1 on behalf of Tim Hewison 1 and all GSICS Research Working Group (1)EUMETSAT.

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Presentation on theme: "Brief Update on Product Developments (GRWG) Jo Schmetz 1 on behalf of Tim Hewison 1 and all GSICS Research Working Group (1)EUMETSAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brief Update on Product Developments (GRWG) Jo Schmetz 1 on behalf of Tim Hewison 1 and all GSICS Research Working Group (1)EUMETSAT

2 10 October 2014 Slide: 2 GPRCMonitored Instrument Reference Instrument GSICS NRT Correction GSICS Re- Analysis Correction GSICS Bias Monitoring EUMETSAT Meteosat-9 } Meteosat-8 }-- Meteosat-7 } IASIDemonstration 1 Prototype JMA MTSAT-1R } MTSAT-2 } IASI (+ AIRS)Demonstration Prototype NOAA GOES-11 Imager GOES-12 Imager IASI (+ AIRS)Demonstration Prototype GOES SounderIASI (+ AIRS)In development CMA FY2C } FY2D } -- FY2E } IASI (+ AIRS)In development Prototype KMACOMSIASI (+ AIRS)In development GEO-LEO IR Product Status 2011-10 1 Pre-Operational version for Meteosat-8 and -9 nearly ready in to run in Operational Suite, using IASI or AIRS, but need delta Correction AIRS->IASI

3 10 October 2014 Slide: 3 GPRCMonitored Instrument Reference Instrument GSICS NRT Correction GSICS Re- Analysis Correction GSICS Bias Monitoring EUMETSAT MetopA/HIRSMetopA/IASIIn development Prototype NOAA AVHRRMODISIn development HIRSHIRS/AIRS/IASIIn development LEO-LEO IR Product Status 2011-10

4 10 October 2014 Slide: 4 GPRCMonitored Instrument Reference Instrument ProductGSICS Re- Analysis Correction NOAA AVHRR/VisMODIS/VisPATMOS-xDemonstration HIRS/IRHIRS/AIRS/IASIIn development NOAA NCDC HIRS/IRNOAA14/HIRS Knapp 2008 & Shi & Bates 2010 Under Evaluation at EUMETSAT EUMETSAT HIRS/IR In development Envisat/AATSRMetop/IASIProposed Study LEO-LEO Correction for Heritage Instruments Product Status 2011-10

5 10 October 2014 Slide: 5 GEO-LEO Solar Product Status 2011-10 Strategy: Combine various invariant targets (DCCs, deserts, etc) and direct comparison of ray-matched collocated observations PI identified for each method and tasked to: Conduct error analysis of each method Draft Outline ATBD for application to GEO imagers GPRCs encouraged to implement common versions of (at least): Rayleigh Scattering/Sun Glint – following ATBD from P. Henry - TBC Deep Convective Cloud – following ATBD D. Doelling – delivered August 2010 Web Meeting 2011-10-26 to review DCC ATBD GPRCs to report results at GRWG meeting March 2012 Aim for demonstration products in 2012

6 10 October 2014 Slide: 6 GRWG Action Tracker GRWG Actions Reviewed and Updated in GoogleDocs 2011-09-27 Flag delayed actions: EP06_01 Instrument monitoring website GRWG ChairGRWG to define what should be the key factors that need to be displayed in the GSICS Instrument Monitoring web sites.  Action has been taken up by GCC Acting Deputy Director EP10_18 Liaise with SCOPE-CM Pilot Projects to issue Needs Statements EP Chair and GRWG Chair NOAA (Mitch Goldberg) and EUMETSAT (Tim Hewison) to liaise with the SCOPE-CM Pilot Projects (1), (3) and (5) respectively, in order to better understand their needs and facilitate the finalization of the Statement of Needs.  Further inputs received at GSICS Users’ Workshop – what now? GRWG06_33 Validation of metadata and unit definitions to be submitted to the CF committee. All GPRCs / GRWG Chair "GRWG to support the validation of the metadata and unit definition before GDWG re-submit them to the CF committee. See:“ & gsics-dev e-mail group thread  GSICS Conventions are currently being revised – so need to repeat this validation

7 10 October 2014 Slide: 7 Questions to Exec Panel None!

8 Thank You Any Questions?

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