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GOSUD (Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Project) by Bob Keeley & Loic Petit de la Villeon.

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Presentation on theme: "GOSUD (Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Project) by Bob Keeley & Loic Petit de la Villeon."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOSUD (Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Project) by Bob Keeley & Loic Petit de la Villeon

2 Some history Began in 2001 Objective is to build a comprehensive archive of surface underway ocean data to add value by building standardized QC procedures to provide data in a timely way to users to improve data acquisition to work with science programs and users interested in the data

3 Data flow

4 Statistics We have seen small increases in data volumes reporting directly to the GDAC (almost 500,000 in 2006) - good news We have seen a marked drop in reports on the GTS in 2006. This is attributed to ships ceasing to report the 5 minute averaged data that they collect and instead report hourly values in real-time. The number of ships reporting to the GDAC has grown steadily and now is near 30 in 2006

5 Statistics

6 Data access A global repository center has been developed hosted by US-NODC. Synchronization is performed daily between the global server and the repository server. See: See to view where the Gosud data are distributed. A data selection web interface is available at udSelections.asp The GDAC is also receiving data directly from some countries and these data form the content of the archives.

7 2005-2006 reports

8 35 ships have reported data during the reporting period

9 Cooperation We held a joint meeting with SAMOS (Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System) a project focused on underway meteorological measurements at sea. This is a valuable collaboration in which we intend to share resources for QC, processing, etc. We have managed to get some SeaKeepers data into the data system, but there still seem to be problems to resolve

10 Governance One of the co-chairs, Thierry Delcroix, GOSUD has stepped down. He has been a very great help in guiding the programme. Keeley nominated to IODE Loic Petit de la Villeon from IFREMER to take his place. Loic has been involved in GOSUD from the start, works at IFREMER which is the GDAC and would be a good co-chair. IODE accepted him. He seek the approval of SOT and GOSUD participants here. Keeley intend to step down as co-chair in 1-2 years time. Interested candidates should contact the co- chairs.

11 Plans We will continue to encourage other operators to contribute (e.g. Seakeepers) collaborate with SAMOS on QC procedures, data processing work with SMOS, Aquarius satellite systems for calibrations

12 Contacts Bob Keeley: KeeleyR@DFO-MPO.GC.CA Loïc Petit de la Villéon: Global Data Centre :

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