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Organizing Classes for Teens Emma Heyderman IH San Sebastian IHWO YL Conference Rome 2013 Teens seem to be the most difficult age group to choose coursebooks.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing Classes for Teens Emma Heyderman IH San Sebastian IHWO YL Conference Rome 2013 Teens seem to be the most difficult age group to choose coursebooks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing Classes for Teens Emma Heyderman IH San Sebastian IHWO YL Conference Rome 2013 Teens seem to be the most difficult age group to choose coursebooks for and the most asked question. Do any of you teach a lot of teens? Anyone willing to do a session at the YL Conference on selecting teen coursebooks?

2 Organizing Classes for Teens Are there any ‘new’ ideas for an old problem? In this session, we’ll be looking at some of the common concerns like  coursebook selection  assessment & evaluation  support to teachers And considering some possible strategies.

3 Organizing Classes for Teens  Can you suggest some good coursebooks for Grade 6 : 12-13 year olds, Grade 7 : 13-14 year olds, Grade 8 : 14-15 year olds…?  What do you do about reports? Now we are doing the exams on the penultimate, or even last day. This means me checking and sending the reports over the holidays, which is complicated.  Have you got any ideas for teachers who are struggling to manage their teen classes?

4 Organizing Classes for Teens Can you suggest coursebooks for teens? Who chooses the coursebooks in your school? What’s your procedure?

5 Organizing Classes for Teens

6 Our procedure  Identify the need (level, age, frequency…)  Contact the publishers and ask for sample copies  One person prepares a shortlist (2 or 3)  With another (and a list of criteria*), choose 1.  Contact publisher for a free class set and pilot the material with one or two classes.

7 Organizing Classes for Teens Towards a list of criteria (an example): Laser A2InteractiveInspiration 2 Level A2 Age Group 11-1610-13/1413-17 Appearance Quite ordinary Too brightModern, not childish Course fit OK present perfect comes late Language presentation A bit dry. Grammar boxes Gd for younger teens. Great word list Skills: Reading & Listening Writing & Speaking Strong on spkg. Writing plans. Supplementary materials Simple digital material V gd digital material PRICE

8 Organizing Classes for Teens What do you do about reports?  How do you assess and evaluate your teens?  Do you give both speaking and written tests? How often?  How often do you send out reports? What are they like? (written comments or marks?)

9 Organizing Classes for Teens We don’t send written reports but rather a set of marks (A-E) for different categories (‘notas’):  All groups (including the VYL) are formally evaluated twice a year: Dec & June.  Families are sent ‘notas’.  Families of students who ‘stand out’ are contacted.

10 Organizing Classes for Teens Academic Year Planner 2012-13

11 Organizing Classes for Teens Any suggestions for teachers who are struggling to manage their teen classes?  How do you prepare your teachers for teen classes? (Induction week, training, observations, mentoring)  Do you display your school rules?  What is your procedure in case of misbehaviour?  Do you have a procedure for bullying?

12 Organizing Classes for Teens Teacher’s Handbook 2.7.1 Learner behaviour & discipline guidelines In order to create and maintain an optimum learning environment, Lacunza expects learners to attend class regularly and punctually, co-operate fully with the teacher and other students and use the language of instruction…. Our approach to dealing with indiscipline The teacher first talks to the learner and points out the consequences of breaking the school rules… In other words a clear warning must be given. The best way to talk to the student is on his/her own at the end of the class … Always avoid confronting the student in front of his/her peers. ACUERDO DE INSCRIPCIÓN – Curso Académico (septiembre-junio) Una vez comenzado el curso: 1.- El participante se compromete a asistir a clase con regularidad y puntualidad, y a utilizar exclusivamente como lengua de comunicación con el profesor y sus compañeros durante la clase el idioma estudiado. 6.- Lacunza - ih se reserva el derecho a cambiar de clase a un participante si considera que hay razones pedagógicas que afectan el aprovechamiento y progreso del participante o del resto del grupo (p. ej. la no superación del grado). Dicho cambio puede implicar la necesidad de cambiar la frecuencia, el horario, el edificio o la anulación de servicio.

13 Organizing Classes for Teens Physical support to teachers  DOS & school supervisor  Observation / peer observations  Mentor / Tandem teachers  PD sessions Avoiding Teen Trouble No magic wand here, but rather a look at the role of the teacher and student in the teen classroom, how to cope, how to motivate, and my own top ten tips. Getting Speaking Going Ideas for speaking practice using examples from Real Life Upper Intermediate. Another session focussing on a particular coursebook but aiming to demonstrate principles which can be more widely applied to other books and levels.

14 Organizing Classes for Teens Still got questions?  Join  Facebook  Look out for IHWO LOWs & Online Conferences Thanks for listening!

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