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Why UBS Global Asset Management For Global Bonds

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Presentation on theme: "Why UBS Global Asset Management For Global Bonds"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why UBS Global Asset Management For Global Bonds
Globally resourced organisation covering the world’s major financial centres Long established and proven experience in managing global government bond portfolios with opportunistic use of spread sectors Globally integrated quantitative tools are used at all stages of the investment process.

2 Our Approach Is Supported By…
…Fully Integrated, Proprietary, Quantitative Tools Government valuation model1 Credit valuation model1 Spread Factor model Mortgage model Currency valuation model1 Risk model 1 Integrated valuation models (‘Valmod’)

3 The Application of Seasoned Judgement
Within the Global Fixed Income Investment Process Valuation models allows us to calibrate the extent of market misvaluation Key inputs are clearly identified Cyclical and secular changes can be incorporated Provides a baseline for further consideration Seasoned judgement is key in the strategy setting process and overlays model output, taking into account: Views and judgements of the regional teams Market dynamics Likely catalysts for change? Timescales involved The levels of investment risk required Valuation model output ‘Fair values’ at equilibrium Seasoned judgement Incorporating shorter term factors Investment strategy setting Model portfolios

4 Global Bond: Strategy Summary
June 30, 2003 GLOBAL BOND PORTFOLIO Market Allocation Currency Allocation Interest Rate Sensitivity/ Duration Sector/ Security Market Currency Allocation Index1 Allocation Relative Duration Strategy North America 22.1% % Europe - EMU Europe Other Europe U.K Japan Australia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% U.S x Australia 0.70 Canada 0.80 Denmark 1.00 EMU 0.90 Sweden 0.80 Japan 0.75 U.K. 1.00 Cash & Equiv. 0.6% Gov’t./Agencies 78.9 Corporates 5.1 Mortgages 8.9 Asset-Backed 3.7 Supranationals Provincial Totals 100.0% 1 Citigroup World Government Bond Index as of 6/30/03 Totals may not add due to rounding

5 Global Bond Portfolio: Current Strategy
For Periods Ending June 30, 2003 1 Citigroup World Government Bond Index as of 6/30/ Totals may not add due to rounding.

6 Global Bond Portfolio: Duration Strategy
June 30, 2003

7 Global Bond Portfolio: Market Allocation
For Periods Ending June 30, 2003 1 Citigroup World Government Bond Index as of 6/30/03 Totals may not add due to rounding. Strategy ranges expressed with an explicit “+” or “-” sign are relative to the benchmark.

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