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Status Report Emergency Management Higher Education Project June 7, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Status Report Emergency Management Higher Education Project June 7, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status Report Emergency Management Higher Education Project June 7, 2005

2 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 2 EM HiEd Conference Participation  201 Participants – Largest Ever – 170 Last Year  102 U.S. Colleges and Universities -- 94 Last Year  6 Foreign Colleges/Universities-- 3 Last Year  39 States Plus the District of Columbia – 40 Last Year

3 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 3 Topics To Be Covered  Very Busy Conference – Need Suggestions for Next Year  Growth of Collegiate Programs  EM HiEd Project Activity  Future Developments, Issues, Friction Points?

4 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 4 Collegiate “EM” Program Growth  1994/1995 -- 4  1996 -- 13  1997 -- 23  1998 -- 34  1999 -- 49  June 2000-- 64  June 2001-- 72  June 2002-- 78  June 2003-- 95  June 2004--113  June 2005--120 (143) June 2004 To June 2005: 30 New EM Programs:  15-- AD Level  7 -- BA/S Level  8-- Graduate Level

5 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 5 “EM” College Programs By Year

6 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 6 Projected “EM” HiEd Program Growth  110 Programs Under Investigation or Development  42 at Associate Level  34 at Bachelor Level  34 at Graduate Level

7 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 7 EM HiEd Programs in U.S.  42 States Have “Emergency Management” Programs  District of Columbia & Puerto Rico Have EM Programs  4 States Investigating or Developing “EM” Programs  Kentucky, NH, SC, SD  2 States Have EM-Related Programs  Alaska & Iowa  2 States Have No “EM” or Related Program  Maine & Montana

8 Map of US Showing Status of EM College Programs by State Emer. Mgmt. Program in Place = Proposed Emer. Mgmt. Program =No Program = Related Emer. Mgmt. Program =

9 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 9 Homeland Security, International Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Assistance, & EM/HS-Related Programs  42 Homeland Security/Defense, Terrorism Programs  18 Others Under Development  10 More Being Investigated  9 International Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Assistance  26 Emergency Management/HS Related Programs  Environmental Protection, Science, Management, Technician (6)  Hazardous Materials Management (2)  Public Health & Emergency Medical Services (10)  Public Safety & Security  Emergency Services Operations & Management (2)  2 Others Under Development (Public Health)

10 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 10 Programs Growing In Size Also “Over the past four years we have seen our student population nearly double [185 declared majors] …Our credit hour production more than triple… Contemplating putting a cap on enrollment.” (Dr. David McEntire, University of North Texas, March 2004)

11 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 11 Graduates Getting Jobs “At end of Spring 2005 will have graduated 179 students 98% working in highly specialized positions related directly to field of emergency management.” (Mary Ann Rollans, Dean, Arkansas Tech University, April 2005)

12 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 12 EM Student Job Market  28% Job Market Increase in… “Emergency Management Specialists” … By year 2012.  Top 20 List of Growing Professions in U.S. (Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004)

13 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 13 Employer Support of Emergency Management Higher Education  Promotions with education consideration - 218 (50%)  Pay/reimbursement educational expenses - 286 (66%)  Provide incentives for going to college - 100 (23%)  Flexibility to attend school - 260 (60%)  Higher Starting Pay for degree - 170 (39%) (Craig Marks, Survey of Emergency Management Collegiate Students, 2004-2005)

14 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 14 How Are We Being Supportive?  17 Courses on Website -- Free College Courses  Latest: Holistic Disaster Recovery  Next: Disaster Ops & Mgmt., or Coastal Hazards Mgmt.  Periodically add new material to existing courses  5 Courses Under Development  Coastal Hazards Management – Graduate Level  Disaster Operations and Management – Upper Division  Hazards Mapping and Modeling – Upper Division/Graduate  Homeland Security and Terrorism short course – Upper Division  Flood Plain Management – Graduate Level  Draft material downloadable from EM HiEd Website – Free College Courses 

15 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 15 How Are We Being Supportive?  “Course Treatments” Under Development  Legal/Ethical Basis For Emer. Mgmt and Homeland Security  Hazards Risk Assessment Methods  Images of Disaster in Film

16 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 16 How Are We Being Supportive?  5 “Books” Under Development or in “Works”  Introduction to Emergency Management Textbook  International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters Articles  Hazards Risk Management Case Studies Textbook  Disciplines, Disasters and Emergency Management  Papers from 2005 Emergency Management HiEd Conference  EM & HS-Related Training Courses CD ROM  Audio-Visual Materials  Film and Video Annotated Bibliography, DVD Clips and Additions  Mini-Lectures  Video-Taped Conference Interviews  2005 EM HiEd Conference Select Plenary Panel Presentations

17 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 17 How Are We Being Supportive?  Additions to Emergency Management Competencies Section  Added EM Job Market Data section to EM HiEd Website  Developing EM & HS Body of Knowledge Section  Developing “Getting Experience” Section to Website

18 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 18 Where Now In EM & HS HiEd & Professionalism – Some Trends & Issues  Disasters Are A Growth Business  Thus, More Collegiate Programs of All Stripes  More Emergency and Disaster Management Programs  More Homeland Security Programs  More International Disaster Management Programs  More Related Programs  With Growth Comes Issues – Some Uncomfortable

19 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 19 Issue: Response and Mitigation Issue: Education and Experience “…some emergency management systems are exclusively ‘ambulances at the bottom of cliffs’, whereas others are also ‘fences at the top’. (Dr. Neil Britton, “Higher Education in Emergency Management: What is Happening Elsewhere,” Paper for the 2004 EM HiEd Conference, June 2004, p. 2.) This is why, for those who tout the “Be-All” of “Experience,” that “Experience” needs to be grounded in EDUCATION.

20 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 20 Experience AND Education “We do the profession a great injustice if we only look to the future without extending a hand to the past. The depth and breadth of knowledge in practitioners must be acknowledged, embraced and built upon. To do so is to have the best of both worlds – the open-mind and the learned-soul.” (Cwiak, Cline & Karlgaard. “Emergency Management Attitudes…” North Dakota State University, 2004)

21 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 21 Practitioner & Academic Research  “Too many Joes (and Janes) on the street think academic research is:  Some guy who shows up and takes money away from them…  To Study something they don’t care about…  Writes it up in words…nobody understands…  And publishes is somewhere that nobody ever reads.” (Craig Marks, IAEM Discussion List, May 1, 2005)

22 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 22 Theory versus Practice Issue Within EM & HS Academic Programs “My own experience indicates that most faculty tend to be excellent academics rooted in various schools of methodological and substantive theory. In sharp contrast, others are ‘nuts and bolts’ oriented practitioners who have earned some type of academic credential. Too often they lack much respect for the place of theory in either the profession or any academic discipline.” (Dr. Thomas Drabek, Western Social Science Association Paper, 2005)

23 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 23 Issue: Faculty and Program Credentials  Referring to spurt in growth of EM and homeland security programs post 9-11: “Suddenly, people who couldn’t spell the word ‘fire’ and didn’t know much about emergency management are offering programs.” (Dr. Nancy Grant, University of Akron, 2003)

24 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 24 Emergency Management & Homeland Security All-Hazards vs. Response & Terrorism Focus “Unfortunately…from my perspective, in the post 9-11 environment, the term emergency management is losing its proactive and all hazards emphasis and is devolving back into a term associated primarily with response and recovery and a focus on terrorism to the exclusion of an all hazards approach.” (Dr. Greg Shaw, “What Do We Call Ourselves…?, May 2005)

25 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 25 Emergency Management & Homeland Security All-Hazards vs. International Terrorism Focus “What the all-hazards approach can contribute to the effort to deal with terrorism in its many forms is a basic framework for structuring the emergency response, preparing for the response, and recovering from attacks, as well as developing appropriate measures to prevent or reduce the impact of the attacks….the all-hazards approach encourages a broader perspective….and a broader foundation on which to build effective programs to manage hazards and disasters.” (Dr. William L. Waugh, Jr., Journal of Emergency Management, March/April 2005)

26 B. Wayne Blanchard June 7, 2005 26 Finally  Next Emergency Management High Ed Conference  June 6-8, 2006  Possible addition of a GIS & EM Preceding Workshop on June 5 th ?  Others?  Use Evaluation forms in notebooks to make recommendations.  Sign-up for Activity Reports to stay current with EM & HS Hi-Ed related developments –


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