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EMI National Curriculum for SLTT Emergency Managers Professional Program Virtual Tabletop Exercises National “G Course” Curriculum Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "EMI National Curriculum for SLTT Emergency Managers Professional Program Virtual Tabletop Exercises National “G Course” Curriculum Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMI National Curriculum for SLTT Emergency Managers Professional Program Virtual Tabletop Exercises National “G Course” Curriculum Professional Development Series

2 National Emergency Management Academy Prerequisites:  IS-100 (any version), Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS) (3 hours)  IS-700 (any version), National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction (10 hours)  IS-800.b, National Response Framework, An Introduction (3 hours)  IS-230.b, Fundamentals of Emergency Management (3 hours) 10

3 National Emergency Management Academy (continued) Required courses:  E/L101 Foundations of Emergency Management (80 hours)  E/L102 Science of Disaster (24 hours)  E/L103 Planning (16 hours)  E/L104 Exercise Design (16 hours)  E/L105 Public Information and Warning (16 hours) 10

4 Specialized & Technical Training Programs This consists of courses on similar topics leading to a Certificate of Completion or recognition for completing a series in a specifically recognized area of emergency management. Examples are:  Level I Professional Continuity Practitioner;  Level II Master Continuity Practitioner  Master Trainer Program  Master Exercise Practitioner Program  Advanced Professional Series  Professional Development Series 12

5 National Emergency Management Leaders Academy Required courses:  E451 Leadership Attributes I: Management Concepts and Styles (32 hours)  E452 Leadership Attributes II: Advanced Management Concepts and Styles (32 hours)  E453 Leadership Attributes III: The Application of Management Concepts to Decision Making and Problems Solving (32 hours)  E454 Leadership Attributes IV: Leadership In Action (32 hours) 14

6 National Emergency Management Executive Academy Required courses:  E680 Emergency Management—A Leadership Challenge (32 hours)  E682, Emergency Management in the 21 st Century (32 hours)  E684 The Science of Disaster: Integration into Emergency Management Policies and Decisions (32 hours)  E686 Putting Emergency Management Executive Knowledge and Skills into Practice (32 hours) 16


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