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2009 FEMA Higher Education Conference Breakout Session.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 FEMA Higher Education Conference Breakout Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 FEMA Higher Education Conference Breakout Session

2  Blooms’ taxonomy  Curriculum mapping  Learning outcome assessment

3  The three primary elements to using Blooms’  Measurable Cognitive action  Nature of the action  Level of action

4 KnowledgeComprehensionApplicationAnalysisSynthesisEvaluation AssociateBachelorMaster 100 Level200 level300 level400 level500 level600 level Define Identify List Name Recall Recognize Record Relate Repeat Choose Cite examples of Demonstrate use of Describe Determine Differentiate between Discriminate Apply Demonstrate Dramatize Employ Generalize Illustrate Initiate Interpret Operate Analyze Appraise Calculate Categorize Compare Conclude Contrast Correlate Criticize Arrange Assemble Collect Compose Construct Create Design Develop Devise Appraise Assess Choose Compare Critique Estimate Evaluate Judge Measure

5  abbreviated map LEVEL OBJECTIVES COURSESCOMMENTS Institutional Program or Department Individual Course

6  ABBREVIATED ASSESSMENT MAP Learning ObjectiveSome Appropriate ToolsComments 100 200 levelShort answer quizzes, short essays, short written assignments 300 400 levelDiscussion groups, case studies, short research papers, and, essays 500 600 levelFormal research papers, complex case studies, group analysis

7 WHAT IS TO BE MEASURED WEIGHT TOWARDS FINAL GRADE EXEMPLARY LEVEL 4 ACCOMPLISHED LEVEL 3 DEVELOPING LEVEL 2 BEGINNING LEVEL 1 Measure 120Define performance for each level Measure 220Define performance for each level Measure 320Define performance for each level Measure 415Define performance for each level Measure 5 Information literacy 8Define performance for each level Measure 6 English composition 10Define performance for each level Measure 7 Style knowledge and compliance 7Define performance for each level

8 Questions? Bob Jaffin (ofc) 603-335-5093 (cell) 603-377-0711

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