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TM ① ePOD is powerful and easy to use; simply plug in for savings. ② ePOD helps increase the efficiency of appliances you use everyday such as HVAC, refrigerators,

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Presentation on theme: "TM ① ePOD is powerful and easy to use; simply plug in for savings. ② ePOD helps increase the efficiency of appliances you use everyday such as HVAC, refrigerators,"— Presentation transcript:


2 TM ① ePOD is powerful and easy to use; simply plug in for savings. ② ePOD helps increase the efficiency of appliances you use everyday such as HVAC, refrigerators, fans, pumps, air conditioners, freezers, dishwashers, spas, swimming pools, washing machines, dryers, & more. ③ By helping to increase your appliance’s efficiency, ePOD can reduce your home’s total energy consumption. ④ ePOD reduces your carbon footprint and impact on the earth. ⑤ ePOD helps reduce EMFs in your home.

3 TM EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are invisible lines of force that emanate from electrical or wireless devices. All homes produce EMFs from electronic appliances such as televisions, radios, computers, & other devices.

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