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The Professional Open Source Company JBoss Network Enterprise Manager Introduction and Walkthrough.

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Presentation on theme: "The Professional Open Source Company JBoss Network Enterprise Manager Introduction and Walkthrough."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Professional Open Source Company JBoss Network Enterprise Manager Introduction and Walkthrough

2 2 The Professional Open Source Company Agenda Overview Installation Topology Console Overview Q & A

3 3 The Professional Open Source Company Overview JBN EM is a monitoring and administration system Monitor and control JEMS, other products Server/agent architecture One server collecting data from agents running on each monitored platform (hub-n-spoke model) Database persists inventory metadata, collected metrics and alert information User interfaces JBN EM Console – a web-based GUI JBN EM CLI – an interactive command line shell Users/roles provide access control

4 4 The Professional Open Source Company Overview - Server A J2EE app with a Web GUI Runs on Linux, Windows, Solaris, and HP/UX Inventory Physical and logical topology Monitoring Platforms, JEMS products extensible for future products Control Ad-hoc and scheduled Problem Resource Identification & Root Cause Baselines - a rolling snapshot of normal system behavior Events & Alerting Security / Access Control User/Roles SSL High Scalability Can be enabled for increased scalability

5 5 The Professional Open Source Company Overview - Agent Standalone Java app with small portions of portable C code in places where Java does not yet reach. Runs on Linux, Windows, Solaris, HP/UX, and AIX. The agent has pluggable subsystems Measurement Control Auto-discovery Plugin Layer Sits below the subsystems Subsystem delegates to plugin when a subsystem needs to interact with a particular product (for example to gather a metric or restart a service). Plugins can be added or removed as you decide which products you want to manage or ignore Fault Tolerant Agent continues to function normally even if the JBN EM server is temporarily unavailable. Collected metrics will be spooled to disk. When the JBN server comes back online, the agent transmits all spooled data. The configuration of each agent (which metrics it collects, what its control schedule is, and so on), is stored centrally at the JBN server. If an agent gets deleted from a platform for any reason, then nothing is lost. When the agent is reinstalled, it will download its configuration from the server and resume operations as if nothing had happened.

6 6 The Professional Open Source Company Installation UNIX Installation Download the appropriate server installation package for your platform, run the setup script and answer the prompts A basic install can be performed by executing –full and choosing which components you want to install: the server, agent and/or shell

7 7 The Professional Open Source Company Installation Windows Installation Download the appropriate installation package for your platform, run the graphical installer and follow the wizard The installer allows you to choose which components you want to install: the server, agent and/or shell A Windows Service will be installed for the server and agent so they can be started automatically A Windows Service for the database will be installed if you elect to use the embedded database

8 8 The Professional Open Source Company Installation Database Embedded Postgres External Postgres External Oracle If you want the embedded Postgres, the installer will install it for you If you want to use an external database, you must install it separately

9 9 The Professional Open Source Company Installation

10 10 The Professional Open Source Company Installation Running on UNIX Use scripts Running on Windows Use the Windows Services to start/stop the server and agent. jbn-shell.bat

11 11 The Professional Open Source Company Topology One or more host machines running one or more software products is known as your topology of resources. JBN EM can inventory your topology In the world of JBN EM, your inventory includes only those resources that are to be managed JBN EM inventories your enterprise topology through its discovery mechanisms

12 12 The Professional Open Source Company Topology Nomenclature - Physical Inventory consists of one or more resources. A physical resource can be described generically as one of these types: Platforms The actual machines in your environment Hosts server resources (see below) One agent runs on each managed platform Server Product specific, such as a JBossAS instance or an Apache Web Server. Hosts service resources (see below) Service Individual components within a server Examples are EJBs, JMS destinations

13 13 The Professional Open Source Company Topology Nomenclature - Logical You can logically group your physical resources Compatible Group Group of like resources (servers of type JBoss 4.0) Mixed Group Group of different types (platform, servers and/or services) Auto Group Application Groups of services of different types

14 14 The Professional Open Source Company Populating Inventory JBN EM inventories your enterprise topology through its discovery mechanisms Auto-discovery Process table scan Windows Registry scan Manual File scan Auto-discovery scans can be scheduled Newly discovered resources can be accepted (adding them to your inventory) or rejected (and thus ignored)

15 15 The Professional Open Source Company JBN EM Console Overview The Console is one of two interfaces for accessing the JBN EM functionality (the other being the CLI shell). Dashboard Aggregates various information into a single screen. Shows auto-discovery results Resource Browsing Resource Views Shows information on resources found in inventory Displays performance/health metrics Executes control actions on resources Allows you to configure and view alerts Administration JBN EM user and role management Access control definitions for both Console and CLI System configuration

16 16 The Professional Open Source Company Importing Discovered Resources Dashboard shows you resources that have been auto-discovered Select resources to import or reject Importing resources tells JBN EM that you want to manage those resources

17 17 The Professional Open Source Company Browsing Inventory List View the inventory list Shows physical and logical resources Manually add resources to inventory Click on a resource to get its individual view

18 18 The Professional Open Source Company Resource View - Inventory Shows the inventory metadata for the resource. There are four categories: Type information (e.g. Tomcat 4.1, Tomcat 5.0) List of resources it contains (e.g. services in the server). List of resources which contain it (e.g. groups). Configuration information used by JBN EM (e.g. location of run.bat for JBoss).

19 19 The Professional Open Source Company Resource View - Monitoring Shows metric values collected on a resource over time. Can view metric values in three ways: High-level chart (default). Detailed chart. Raw metric data. Can configure which metrics are actually collected and how frequently they are collected (called the metric collection interval).

20 20 The Professional Open Source Company Resource View - Control Allows execution of particular actions on a resource. Only available for certain resources. Available actions depend on resource type. Can view history of previously executed control actions. Control actions can be executed immediately or scheduled for later execution (may be recurring or non-recurring schedule). schedule future actions execute action now

21 21 The Professional Open Source Company Resource View - Alerts General mechanism for responding to events. Alerts are triggered when specific conditions are met on: One or more metric values, e.g. JVM Free memory. Control action status values, e.g. JBoss restart status. When an Alert is triggered: It is stored in the Alert History. (Optionally) an email can be sent to JBNEM users, JBNEM roles or external email addresses. (Optionally) a control action can be executed. Alerts can be enabled or disabled individually or collectively. click here for alert history click here to define new alert definitions

22 22 The Professional Open Source Company Dashboard Aggregates many aspects from the Resource view. Most interesting portlets: Auto-Discovery Favorite Resources Recent Alerts Control Actions Problem Resources

23 23 The Professional Open Source Company Administration Allows you to define: JBN EM users and roles Access control Global server configuration settings

24 24 The Professional Open Source Company Help Documentation available online at: /bin/view/JBN/Index.html /bin/view/JBN/Index.html Context sensitive help for each page is also available. Context sensitive help Go to online help

25 25 The Professional Open Source Company Future WebEx presentations coming soon! Will demonstrate in more detail the features provided by JBN EM Will hopefully be able to more completely answer your questions Thanks for your time! Q & A

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