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“Unpacking the Standards”: The Legislative Branch in Georgia

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1 “Unpacking the Standards”: The Legislative Branch in Georgia
8th Grade Social Studies Mr. Short

2 Lesson 1: The Legislative Branch in Georgia
Underline the verbs and circle the nouns in the standard Lesson 1: The Legislative Branch in Georgia Civics/Gov. Standard – SS8CG2 The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia state government.

3 Underline the verbs and circle the nouns in the standard
SS8CG2 Elements a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of members of the General Assembly. b. Describe the organization of the General Assembly, with emphasis on leadership and the committee system. c. Trace the steps in the legislative process for a bill to become a law in Georgia.

4 Lesson 1: The Legislative Branch in GA

5 Lesson 1: The Legislative Branch in GA

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