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The Theory of Plate Tectonics

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1 The Theory of Plate Tectonics

2 The lithosphere is divided into separate sections called plates.
The plates carry continents and ocean crust or both.

3 A Theory of Plate Motion
J.Tuzo Wilson, a Canadian scientist, combined sea floor spreading, Earth’s plates and continental drift into a single theory. Scientific theory is a well tested concept that explains a wide range of observations. Plate tectonics is a theory that states the pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in constant slow motion driven by convection currents in the mantle.

4 Plate Tectonic Theory explains the formation, movement, and subduction of Earth’s plates.
PLATE BOUNDARIES: The edges of different pieces of the lithosphere meet at lines called plate boundaries. Faults- breaks in Earth’s crust, form at boundaries.

5 There three types of plate boundaries: Transform, Divergent, and Convergent.

6 Transform Boundaries A place where two plates slip by each other, moving in opposite directions. Earthquakes occur at these boundaries.

7 Divergent Boundaries The place where two plates move apart or diverge.
When a divergent boundary occurs on land a Rift Valley, a deep valley, occurs.

8 Convergent Boundary The place where two plates come together, or converge. When two plates collide, the plate that is most dense will sink beneath the other.

9 The Continents Slow Dance
The plates move from about one to ten centimeters a year. The North American and the Eurasian plates move about 2.5 cm. a year.

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