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1600-1750. The term Baroque era describes the style or period of European music between the years of 1600 and 1750. The term Baroque was derived from.

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Presentation on theme: "1600-1750. The term Baroque era describes the style or period of European music between the years of 1600 and 1750. The term Baroque was derived from."— Presentation transcript:

1 1600-1750

2 The term Baroque era describes the style or period of European music between the years of 1600 and 1750. The term Baroque was derived from a Portuguese word meaning "a pearl of irregular shape." The word Baroque was initially used to imply strangeness, abnormality and extravagance, applying more to art than music. It is only in the 20th century that this term has been employed to refer to a period in music history.

3 Music The music in Baroque is distinctive due mainly for its several major components : 1. Basso continuo or music that is played by one or more bass instruments and a keyboard instrument 2. Emphasis of the vocal and instrumental accompaniment 3. Great separation of the melody line and accompaniment became widely accepted. 4. The use of the doctrine of affections.

4 basso continuo A notated (pre written) bass line that could be improvised upon by a keyboard player or other soloist. L7PcrY&p=81D26D4A47388279&index=28&feature=BF L7PcrY&p=81D26D4A47388279&index=28&feature=BF

5 Vocal and instrumental accompaniment Example; opera, and vocal solos re=channel re=channel

6 The Doctrine of Affections The Doctrine of the Affections or the Doctrine of Affects is derived from the German word Affektenlehre. This is as theory in musical aesthetics widely accepted by the Baroque composers in the Baroque era from 1600- 1750. The idea behind the Doctrine of the Affections is that one “rationalized” Affekt should be the focus of single movement of music and having more would lead to confusion.

7 The Piano

8 From the beginning The invention of the piano is credited to the Italian Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655-1731). Cristofori was a keyboard instrument designer for the prince Ferdinand d' Medici of Florence at the turn of the 18th century. At this time, the most popular keyboard instruments were the harpsichord and the clavichord

9 The Harpsichord

10 Harpsichord cont… Precursor to the piano Produced sound by plucking a tuned string Believed to have originated in the 1300’s The design was perfected by the Ruckers family in the late 1500’s. Their harpsichords used heavier construction and produced a louder/higher quality sound.

11 Harpsichord cont…

12 The Clavichord

13 Believed to have originated in the 1400’s The clavichord was simply an improvement on the harpsichord. While a clavichord produced sound the same way as a harpsichord, The musician was now able to let a note sound as long as they held down the key.

14 Piano Cont… Keyboard enthusiasts during Cristofori's time wanted 2 things: VOLUME (like the harpsichord) CONTROL (like the clavichord) Cristofori came up with the brilliant idea of replacing the wire hooks of the two instruments with leather padded hammers. The result was an instrument that played both piano (soft) and forte (loud). The new keyboard became known as the pianoforte, which over the years has shortened to piano.

15 Early Pianos Wood Framed Iron strings (sometimes plated) Reverse “black and white” keys Custom “one of a kind” parts 5 octave range

16 Modern Pianos Cast iron frame Steel and brass strings Iconic black and white keys Machined parts 6 to 7 octave range

17 FUGUE a musical composition in which one or two themes are repeated or imitated by successively entering voices and are developed in a continuous interweaving of the voice parts

18 Cannon Similar to a fugue, but the imitating voices begin quicker.


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