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The Crazy Camera Killing Compadres John Berglund Randy Cuaycong Wes Day Andrew Fikes Kamran Shah Spring 1999 CPSC 483 Proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crazy Camera Killing Compadres John Berglund Randy Cuaycong Wes Day Andrew Fikes Kamran Shah Spring 1999 CPSC 483 Proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crazy Camera Killing Compadres John Berglund Randy Cuaycong Wes Day Andrew Fikes Kamran Shah Spring 1999 CPSC 483 Proposal

2 Objective Develop an autonomous camera that can identify and track an object in motion

3 Applications Sports Camera Operator Surveillance Population Control

4 Goals Develop a motion tracking algorithm Implement an FPGA to camera interface Develop a camera platform Develop a memory system Implement the algorithm in hardware

5 Motion Tracking Algorithm Initial development on PC –C++ with Microsoft Vision SDK Hardware implementation –Xilinx 4010E PC84 FPGA

6 Environment Object smaller than its background Uncluttered background Rigid object High contrast Reasonable pace Object at a fixed distance

7 Contrast Algorithm Use the rapidly changing grayscale values to identify the object Once the object is identified, locate the center of the object and adjust camera Only 1 frame required

8 Subtraction w/ Pattern Matching 00000000 00000255 00000 00000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000 00 000 00 000 00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000-255 00000 000255 -255 0 000255 00 000 00 00000000 00000000

9 Concentric Squares Approach Superimposed grid allows for reduction of problem Concentric squares act as motion “alarms” to quickly identify objects in motion 1234 57 16 12 8 91110 1415 6 13

10 1-Dimensional Algorithm

11 Benefits of 1-D Solution Reduced memory requirement –For a 160x120 pixel image with 8-bits per pixel grayscale: Reduced algorithm complexity 2-D1-D 160x120 x 8 153600 bits 160x16 + 120x15 3720 bits

12 Xilinx XC4010E SRAM Horizontal and Vertical Servos Servo Control Motion Detection Hardware Camera Interface Camera System Diagram

13 Motion Detection Hardware Receive and analyze pictures from the Camera Interface Send commands to the Camera Interface Send commands to the Servo Control subsystem

14 Camera Interface Receive pictures and store them in SRAM Send commands to the QuickCam Emulate a parallel port Interface already defined by previous project team (NetCam)

15 Servo Control Receive commands from Motion Detection Hardware Send commands to servos Use Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

16 Camera Platform Camera mount must pivot in two directions Servos must be mounted and adjusted Servo to FPGA interface must be refined from previous project

17 Memory System System required to store and retrieve at least three images Will be implemented using SRAM Must interface SRAM with FPGA

18 System Cost

19 Team Responsibilities

20 System Test Plain background Horizontal test –Ball rolling across the field of view Vertical test –Lowering a ball on string Accuracy test by stopping motion abruptly

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