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Conceptualising undergraduate research and enquiry.

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Presentation on theme: "Conceptualising undergraduate research and enquiry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conceptualising undergraduate research and enquiry

2 Learning about Explicit Learning to be Tacit dimensions of knowledge (Polanyi) Another way of seeing the curriculum John Seely Brown (2003) situational understanding


4 Learning for a complex world – the academic curriculum independent collaborative

5 Learning for a complex world – the practice curriculum

6 Learning for a complex world: care, wellbeing social & community enterprise Help in the community Tutoring in schools Help on campus Caring for others

7 Learning for a complex world – the rest of life putting on a show being sociable raising money part time work looking after yourself travel playing sport virtual world family

8 John Dewey- Logic: The Theory of Inquiry ‘the controlled or directed transformation of an indeterminate situation into one that is so determinate in its constituent distinctions and relations as to convert the elements of the original situation into a unified whole’ Conceptualising undergraduate research and enquiry ‘PRODUCTIVE INQUIRY’ John Dewey A concept that bridges scientific, professional and common sense forms of enquiry,

9 CONCEPTUALISING UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH AND ENQUIRY Productive Inquiry – One of the most important things that knowing can do in using knowledge as a tool in ‘productive inquiry’ ‘deliberately seeking what we need in order to do what we need to do’ John Dewey Productive inquiry is not a haphazard, random search; it is informed or disciplined by the use of theories, rules of thumb, concepts and the like. These tools of productive inquiry are what Dewey understands the term knowledge to mean and using knowledge in this way is an example of that form of knowing which Dewey called productive inquiry (Cook and Brown 1999 p62)

10 Epistemic frame of Cook and Brown forms of knowledge Tacit Explicit Individual Group Concepts Skills / experience Stories Genres

11 Epistemic frame of Cook and Brown Tacit Explicit Individual Group Concepts Skills / experience Stories Genres Knowing as action

12 Cultural Academy productive enquirers Sarah Campbell Y3 Psychology student on placement with SCEPTrE evaluation of learner experience& on- line staff and student perception surveys Lori Riley M level student micro-conversation research Ben Mercer & William Patterson recent graduate enquiring film makers Nimmi Hutnick Norman Jackson Vasso Vydelingum workshop design and evaluation 17 student participants FACILITATORS

13 Cultural diversity is a fact of life especially at the University of Surrey with over 3000 originating from over 130 different countries. A higher education that aspires to prepare students for the cultural complexities they will encounter in their professional and personal lives, must provide opportunity for learning through experiences of interacting and communicating with other cultures. Cultural Academy Productive Inquiry SUPPORT FOR LEARNING on-line social networking space to encourage sharing of experience wiki to support the production and sharing of knowledge mentoring scheme learning through experience award to value and recognise the learning LEARNING PRACTICES telling stories about cultural experiences conversations about culture reflection on past experiences concept mapping tools to aid cultural enquiry proposition-testing using voting systems making a film about the campus as a multicultural society student teachers/facilitators mentoring student-led conference student-led research teacher- and student-evaluation WORKSHOP 1 Sharing perceptions of the meanings of culture through a concept map. WORKSHOP 3 We need to be able to share our language and explore our understandings of culture in the organisations in which we work. Cultural gifts of food, music, art, poetry, language, symbols, clothes and images are an important part of the process of sharing cultures. WORKSHOP 2 A good way of enquiring into culture is to share beliefs by voting on propositions. CONFERENCE A student organised conference to engage the wider community and encourage the university to see the benefits of this approach to multicultural learning. Enquiry-rich experience: Through a series of workshops, planning meetings and a conference, participants (students, facilitators and mentors) share their experiences and understandings of culture and its influences on their lives. LEARNING THROUGH EXPERIENCE AWARD 6 students submitted an account of their experience and received the USSU Learning through Experience Award. Control systems Rituals & routines Stories & myths Symbols Power structures Organisatio n structures The Paradigm PLANNING MEETINGS / i-Festival ON-LINE SURVEYS AND MAKING A FILM ABOUT ‘OUR MULTICULTURAL CAMPUS’ Students and staff participants evaluate the experience, co-write a conference paper and make a film about Cultural Academy micro- conversation analysis

14 CONCEPTUALISATIONS OF RESEARCH AND ENQUIRY 2 A rich mix of techniques and strategies for enquiring into the phenomenon of culture in the contexts of past, current and imagined future experiences. Some discipline-based ‘scientific’ methodologies but mainly trans-disciplinary common-sense methods of enquiry. 3 An emergent and improvised process – the planned educational design was not slavishly followed. Elements were dropped and new elements introduced in an organic, responsive and opportunistic way. 4 Research is perceived as a ‘journey’ for individuals and the group Angela Brew (2001)

15 5 Dimensions of the teaching-research nexus Trowler and Wareham (2007) teachers and learners enquire together enquiry is embedded in the curriculum – what emerges is the curriculum! 6Ideological conceptions of research Teaching is about developing students’ minds so they can better appreciate the world, about making them autonomous. But teaching is also about empowering students to influence the minds of teachers Teaching is about giving students the skills to thrive in their careers and to contribute to the economy Teaching is about a concern for preparing students for a lifetime of learning and working in a culturally complex world

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