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Author :Andrea Selinger Salgian Department of Computer Science

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1 Combining Local Descriptors for 3D Object Recognition and Categorization
Author :Andrea Selinger Salgian Department of Computer Science The College of New Jersey date:2009/02/23 repoter:鄒嘉恆

2 Introduction Combine keyed context patches and SIFT to significantly reduce the error rate on recognition and categorization.

3 Outline The descriptors Experimental results Conclusion
Keyed context patches SIFT Experimental results Object recognition Object categorization Conclusion

4 Keyed context patches

5 SIFT(1/5) Scale-space extrema detection

6 SIFT(2/5) Keypoint localization Elimination low contrast
Elimination edge response

7 SIFT(3/5) Orientation assignment

8 SIFT(4/5) Keypoint descriptor extraction

9 SIFT(5/5)

10 Experimental results(1/2)
Object recognition

11 Experimental results(2/2)
Object categorization

12 Conclusion Confirm that the performance of the descriptor combination is higher than that of either of the descriptors alone.

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