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AIESEC Miami Information Session International Traineeship Exchange Program.

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Presentation on theme: "AIESEC Miami Information Session International Traineeship Exchange Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIESEC Miami Information Session International Traineeship Exchange Program

2 6 billion people

3 Globalization

4 Cultural Understanding

5 Tolerance

6 Respect

7 International Cooperation









16 over 80 countries over 800 universities across the globe more than 50,000 active members Aiesec is the LARGEST student organization in the world!!



19 Formerly a French acronym translating to International Association of Students in Economics and Business Management However, because our membership has grown to encompass a much wider range of disciplines than only economics and commerce, we no longer use the acronym. Our role in society and the core work we do are reflected more through the nature of Aiesec and its members.

20 Why Are YOU Here?

21 are you here to... Meet new people? Learn about others? Try something different? Challenge yourself and others? Promote proactive change? Make a difference? Become a global leader?

22 Aiesec will give you more...





27 4 months from now you will have spent thou $ and $ of dollars on a “year” of education. With this in mind, try to answer this question:

28 Will YOU get enough This Year?


30 Get more than just a degree… more than the average “ college experience ”




34 Imagine Imagine the possibilities...




38 Social work in India Teach English in South America Teach Elementary in India Management in Turkey Fight AIDS in Africa Marketing in Poland

39 “ I came home nine months after with a heavy bag full of new experiences, new friends and a different look upon my life…I have learned that you should never judge something or someone you don’t know and that all people are the same.” ~ Lene Styner (Denmark) After traineeship in USA

40 With this, we’re looking for students with open minds-- those who are willing to try something different, expand their horizons and redefine themselves However, please note that Aiesec is not to be mistaken to be a type of JOB PLACEMENT AGENCY. Nor do we facilitate any kind of study abroad program.



43 “My experience as a whole will have a long-term affect on me. I will always be thankful that I was given this opportunity. Being able to experience a culture very different from my own is an experience I will never forget. It has made me realize how diversity is something you really don't understand until you are the one that is different. I come from a predominantly white, upper middle class area in the US. India is like a whole different world. Everything is different - culture, business, politics, religion, the basic ways of life. I have made many friends here whom I hope to stay in contact with in the future. Overall, I feel that this experience has made me a more complete and better person.” ~Karin Otto (USA) After traineeship in India








51 Will it be you tomorrow? …their lives changed forever Aiesec During the past 50 years, Aiesec has ex changed over 150,000 students internationally…




55 Let Aiesec take you there... OVER 6 BILLION HOWSTAND OUT With OVER 6 BILLION people in this world, HOW are you going to STAND OUT ?


57 “My Generation is the last that will reach top management positions without international experience.” -- David Fagiano – Senior Vice President, Dale Carnegie

58 Applications Due Sunday, October 24 th 5 PM List of students accepted to interview will be emailed out on Monday night (October 25 th ) Interviews are on October 26, 27 & 28 Applicants accepted into the program will be notified on Friday, October 29TIMELINE

59 Requirements Attend Preparation Sessions Attend Cultural Events Attend Matching Sessions Good Communication

60 COSTS Application Fee$ 45 Matching Fee$ 455 ____________________________________________________________________________ $ 500 Rebate - $ 50 ____________________________________________________________________________ Total$ 450

61 Financial Responsibilities Visa Airfare Health Insurance Taxes

62 Traineeship Search Candidates Browse - Online System Applying For a Traineeship - $455 Fee - Sign Contract - Personal Consultant

63 Preparation Seminars Support - Housing - Airport - 1 st Day of Work - Contact Reintegration - Case Study - Evaluation - $50 Rebate

64 How to apply: Visit http://us.aieseconline.net Click on Apply for AIESEC Traineeships Find AIESEC Miami’s link Follow the directions

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