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Assistive Technology for Cognitive Impairment 張志仲 副教授 Jyh-Jong Chang Office: CS505 Tel: 2644 Webpage:

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology for Cognitive Impairment 張志仲 副教授 Jyh-Jong Chang Office: CS505 Tel: 2644 Webpage:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology for Cognitive Impairment 張志仲 副教授 Jyh-Jong Chang Email: Office: CS505 Tel: 2644 Webpage:

2 Cognitive Function  It refers to an information processing view of an individual's psychological functions memory, attention, perception, problem solving and mental imagery

3 Patients With Cognitive Impairment  Brain Injuries  Dementia  Stroke  Multiple Sclerosis  ADHD

4 Impairments Relating to Brain Functions  Impairments Related to Perception Difficulty understanding speech (receptive aphasia) This condition prevents the person from being able to understand words that are spoken  Impairments Related to Expression Difficulty producing speech (expressive aphasia) Changes in behavioral speech reduced control of behavior to fit social norms

5  Impairments Related to Memory Short term and long term memory deficits Procedural memory lost can affect a person ’ s ability to learn new manual tasks such as tying shoes  Impairments Related to Processing Poor executive functions: time management, organization and judgment Emotional and behavioral changes Attention and staying on tasks capacity may be diminished

6 AT for Impairments Related to Memory  Using multiple approaches to input can have a beneficial effect It might help to provide documentation in more than one format--visual, auditory and tactile  Medication reminders, watch timers and telephone dialers all represent simple electronic accommodations that represent conveniences for the general population yet significant accommodations for those with memory deficits.

7 AT for Impairments Related to Processing (Attention to detail, executive functioning, visual & auditory functioning, dementia)  The goal is to provide supports that can reduce disorganization and frustration Computer-related accommodations include spell checker and grammar checker software Using email for communication, rather than the telephone, can offer better understanding and documentation for later reference

8 AT for Cognitive impairment  echnology.cfm?TECHID=2 echnology.cfm?TECHID=2

9 AT for Dementia  Sensors Floods - These detectors can be fitted on skirting boards or floors in the kitchen and bathroom. If the taps have been left running they shut off the water and raise the alarm. Falls - Sensors worn on the wrist can detect the impact of a person falling. Gas - If someone forgets to turn the gas off, this device will automatically shut off the gas and raise the alarm.

10 Getting up in the night - A pressure mat sensor is placed by the bed and a sensor activates an alarm when the person gets up in the night, so that their carer can help them get to the toilet

11 Memory aids  Reminder messages When a person enters or leaves their home, these gadgets activate a voice telling them to pick up their keys or lock the front door etc.  Clocks and calendars Clocks that show whether it is evening or morning can help prevent disorientation, particularly in the dark winter months.  Medication aids

12  Locator devices These devices can be attached with a keyring or Velcro to items that are often mislaid. If a person wants to find a particular item, they press a colour-coded button on a radio transmitter and the device with the corresponding colour will beep until the item is picked up.

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