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Unit 1: The Themes! Sovereignty, Authority, & Power

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1 Unit 1: The Themes! Sovereignty, Authority, & Power
Political Institutions Citizens, Society and the State Political & Economic Change Public Policy

2 Theme 1: Sovereignty, Authority, & Power
Nation State A group of people claiming a A group of people org- common identity + the right anized under a govern- to be a state. May share ment. They must share the following (to varying degrees): Culture Government Territory Budget Language Borders Ethnicity Currency Religion Police Force/Military

3 Examples of each… Nation: The Kurds Palestine Kosovo (until this year)
Chechnya Cherokee Scotland ? State: United Kingdom Russian Federation PRC United Mexican States Federal Rep. of Nigeria Islamic Rep. of Iran

4 Regimes & Institutions
Regime: A country’s institutions, rules, and practices that carry over across time, even though leaders and issues change. (the system of government in a country) Institutions: Stable, long-lasting organizations that help to turn political ideas into policy. Examples: bureaucracies, legislatures, judicial systems, political parties, military

5 Types of Regimes

6 Democracy Authority is based on the will of the people
Direct people have immediate say over governmental decisions Representative people choose representatives to make political decisions for them

7 Legitimacy (the right to rule, as determined by their own citizens)
Traditional: tradition should determine who rules and how (Ex: monarchies, G.Britain) Charismatic: dynamic personality of an individual leader or small group. Often doesn’t go past its founder. (Ex: Revolutionaries) Rational-legal: based on a system of well- established and institutionalized laws and procedures. Based on the acceptance of rule of law. (Ex: U.S.)

8 Theme 2: Political Institutions!
Unitary/Federal/Confederate Supranational Organizations (UN, EU, NAFTA) Globalization/Fragmentation Executives (Head of State/Head of Government) Bureaucracies Legislatures (unicameral vs. bicameral) Judiciaries (judicial review) Linkage Institutions (parties, interest groups, media) Electoral Systems (proportional, first-past-the-post) Political Elite & Recruitment (leader succession)

9 Theme 3: Citizens, Society and the State!
Society cleavages: ethnic, religious, linguistic, regional, class, political, etc.. Civil Society: organizations outside of the state that help people define and advance their own interests.

10 Theme 4: Political & Economic Change!
Reform: does not advocate overthrow of basic institutions. Revolution: major revision or overthrow of existing institutions. Coup d’etat: “blows to the state”. Replacement of leaders by force.

11 3 Trends in Change… Democratization Movement towards Market Economies
Revival of Ethnic or Cultural Politics

12 Democratization Liberal Democracies:
Civil liberties (such as freedom of speech, belief, assembly….) Rule of Law (equal treatment of citizens) Neutrality of the judiciary Open Civil Society Civilian control of the military

13 Theme 5: Public Policy! Economic Performance Social Welfare
Civil liberties, rights, & freedoms (Freedom House) Environment Corruption (Transparency Int’l) Disease/HIV/AIDS Nationalization/Privatization

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