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Log-on to Your code begins with “SS”. Click on that one. Click on “Covered titles” Scroll down to “Edwards,

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Presentation on theme: "Log-on to Your code begins with “SS”. Click on that one. Click on “Covered titles” Scroll down to “Edwards,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Log-on to

2 Your code begins with “SS”. Click on that one. Click on “Covered titles” Scroll down to “Edwards, Wattenberg, Lineberry, Government in America: People, Politics & Policy, 14 th Edition, AP Edition, 2009” Double check that the book cover matches yours Click on “Student Registration” “Accept” the privacy agreement Do you have a Pearson acct? “NO”

3 Access, continued Create a log-in. Make it something you’ll remember! Create a password WRITE THEM DOWN somewhere! Your code is: SSNAST-FLANK-COMIC-ASWAN-FALUN-GALES Account Info: Use an e-mail address that I can send messages to you on.

4 Log-in Directions continued… Select “United States” School Zip = 20901 School Name = “Other” Other School Name = “Montgomery Blair High School” School City = “Silver Spring”, School State = MD Pick a security question and answer it.

5 Log-in directions continued Confirmation & Summary: Print your page to remember all your log-in info Click “Log in now” Click “Join a class” in the upper right hand corner: cm896959 for Swaney/AP NSL Govt, Period 2 cm501971 for Swaney/AP NSL Govt, Period 4 Click “Enter class now” Check the upper right corner to make sure your log-in and class information are correct

6 Navigating the website Click on “Class info” in upper right corner. I will leave messages there for the class (see bottom). Click on “Grade Tracker” in upper right corner. Your scores on text quizzes and tests will show up there, and I can read and track them as well. Click “Back” once

7 Navigating the website, cont. Click on “E-book” in the upper left corner. Your entire textbook can be read on-line. Click Back and click on Chapters Click on Chapter 1: Introducing Government in America Take some time to walk through the chapter resources on the left side. Pre-test-- Post-test E-book-- Chapter exams

8 Comparing Political Landscapes Then click on “Multimedia” View ….. Finally, click on “Chapter Resources” Audio Glossary The Study Guide The Study Guide Answers Flashcards Chapter 1 Pre-test will be due….

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