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Introduction to Comparative Government Key Terms & Methods.

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1 Introduction to Comparative Government Key Terms & Methods

2 Before we begin… Government: the leadership and institutions that make policy decisions for the country Politics: the ways power is gained, managed, challenged, and maintained

3 Why study other gov’ts? 1.It’s part of a well-rounded education 2.To better understand US 3.To consider the nature of power in various forms 4.To learn from positive and negative experiences

4 The Comparative Method  AristotelianTheory: # of Rulers Interest of Everyone Self- Interest By Social Group OneMonarchyTyrannyKing Few Aristocracy Oligarchy The Wealthy Many Polity or Democracy Ochlocracy The Poor

5 The Comparative Method Three-World Approach: 1.United States + Allies 2.Soviet Union + Allies 3.Non-Aligned Countries (Usually economically underdeveloped & deprived)

6 The Comparative Method But… this approach ignores these recent trends: 1.Impact of informal politics 2.Importance of political change 3.Integration of political & economic systems

7 The Comparative Method Modern Classifications: 1.“ Advanced ” democracies 2.Communist & Post- Communist countries 3.Less developed & newly industrializing countries

8 Authority & Power - Terms Sovereignty: The exclusive right to exercise political authority over a territory State: Has a government, population, territory & sovereignty (can use force!) Nation: Group with a common ethnic or political identity

9 Authority & Power Regime: the form gov’t takes (often associated with a person or ideology) Constitutional Democracy direct vs. indirectConstitutional Democracy direct vs. indirect Authoritarian SystemAuthoritarian System Totalitarian System Totalitarian System 

10 Legitimacy “The right to rule” Traditional – history, ritual, divine law (often heredity)Traditional – history, ritual, divine law (often heredity) Charismatic – personal magnetism of leaderCharismatic – personal magnetism of leader Rational-legal – uses laws & procedures (bureaucratic)Rational-legal – uses laws & procedures (bureaucratic)

11 Culture & Ideology Political Culture: community- held beliefs, feelings, & values that influence gov’t (ex. individualism, level of political participation, etc.) Political Ideology: personally held beliefs about actions and goals of government

12 Ideologies Classical LiberalismClassical Liberalism Political & economic freedomPolitical & economic freedom CommunismCommunism Values equality over freedomValues equality over freedom No private property, little freedomNo private property, little freedom SocialismSocialism Regulated economy & generous benefitsRegulated economy & generous benefits Government owns key industriesGovernment owns key industries FascismFascism Strong, nationalistic state with few freedomsStrong, nationalistic state with few freedoms Religion/TheocracyReligion/Theocracy

13 Political Institutions Concentration of Power: Unitary governmentUnitary government centralized powercentralized power Federal systemFederal system stratified powerstratified power Confederal systemConfederal system diffused powerdiffused power

14 Political Institutions Executive(s): PresidentPrime Minister Head of State Symbol of the people Directly elected fixed term Leads cabinet Head of Gov’t Performs daily tasks From Legislature “no confidence” Collegial cabinet

15 Political Institutions Legislature: Unicameral vs. BicameralUnicameral vs. Bicameral Most assemblies are weakMost assemblies are weak RARE: power to initiate legislative program, gov’t spending, or impeachmentRARE: power to initiate legislative program, gov’t spending, or impeachment

16 Political Institutions Judiciary: Judicial review & activismJudicial review & activism Administrative review Administrative review  Power expanding recentlyPower expanding recently Ensure civil liberties/rights Ensure civil liberties/rights  Int’l agreements & treaties Int’l agreements & treaties 

17 Political Institutions Globalization or Fragmentation? Supranational Organizations NATO European UnionNATO European Union OPEC United NationsOPEC United Nations NAFTANAFTA

18 On Your Own Topic Three: Political & Economic Change Topic Four: Citizens, Society & the State Topic Six: Public Policy

19 For your review: Make a Venn Diagram with socialism, communism & fascism or presidential & parliamentary systems Use Comparative Method to describe the United States

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