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Attacks Framework Attacks Physical Access Attacks -- Wiretapping Server Hacking Vandalism Dialog Attacks -- Eavesdropping Impersonation Message Alteration.

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Presentation on theme: "Attacks Framework Attacks Physical Access Attacks -- Wiretapping Server Hacking Vandalism Dialog Attacks -- Eavesdropping Impersonation Message Alteration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attacks Framework Attacks Physical Access Attacks -- Wiretapping Server Hacking Vandalism Dialog Attacks -- Eavesdropping Impersonation Message Alteration Penetration Attacks Social Engineering -- Opening Attachments Password Theft Information Theft Scanning (Probing) Break-in Denial of Service Malware -- Viruses Worms

2 Social Engineering Attacks and Defenses Social Engineering  Tricking an employee into giving out information or taking an action that reduces security or harms a system  Opening an e-mail attachment that may contain a virus  Asking for a password claiming to be someone with rights to know it  Asking for a file to be sent to you

3 Social Engineering Attacks and Defenses Social Engineering Defenses  Training  Enforcement through sanctions (punishment)

4 Eavesdropping on a Dialog Client PC Bob Server Alice Dialog Attacker (Eve) intercepts and reads messages Hello

5 Impersonation and Authentication Client PC Bob Server Alice Attacker (Eve) I’m Bob Prove it! (Authenticate Yourself)

6 Message Alteration Client PC Bob Server Alice Dialog Attacker (Eve) intercepts and alters messages Balance = $1 Balance = $1 Balance = $1,000,000 Balance = $1,000,000

7 Scanning (Probing) Attacks Probe Packets to,, etc. Internet Attacker Corporate Network Host No Host No Reply Reply from Results is reachable is not reachable …

8 Denial-of-Service (DoS) Flooding Attack Message Flood Server Overloaded By Message Flood Attacker

9 Network Penetration Attacks and Firewalls Attack Packet Internet Attacker Hardened Client PC Hardened Server Internal Corporate Network Passed Packet Dropped Packet Internet Firewall Log File

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