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Published byCordell Nass Modified over 10 years ago
Agenda 5-6 December 2011 5 December 2011 -Joint understanding on the PA 8 targets (10:30– 11:35) -Subgroups for the Priority Area 8 and Concept development relating to Technology Transfer by Prof. Dr, Norbert Hoeptner (11:35– 13:15) Lunch (13:15– 14:45) -List of flagship projects (those already established, in preparation or planned up to 2013 and after 2014) (14:45 – 16:15) 6 December 2011 -Project generation-labelling (when, how and who?) (9:00 – 10:40) -Cooperation with other PAs, e.g. Tourism, R+D (11:10-11:30) -The establishment and maintenance of an Internet Portal for PA 8 - Conclusion and follow-up (11:30-12:30) EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 2
Reminder: The key role of the steering group EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | PA 8 - Actions Steering group 3
EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | PA 8 Targets What are the goals? Are they SMART? Subgroups Who and how? Technology transfer Vocational training Cluster devel. „Flagship“ projects How can subgroups break targets down into concrete steps? Project identification What new projects to fill in the gaps? 4
Leading to S.M.A.R.T. targets Checklist: Specific: Clear outcomes? Measurable: Can we measure and collect them accurately? Achievable: Are changes anticipated as outcome realistic? Relevant: Do they relate to PA objectives? Timed: Do they start when they should? EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 5
PA 8 – Targets “Competitiveness and innercity economic development” “Competitiveness and rural economic development” “Danube clusters of excellence initiative” Establishing a cluster network for the EUSDR (identification of the founded institutions in this connection, as well as the existing networks-projects)” EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 6
PA 8 - Targets “Danube vocational training initiative” Improvement of the vocational training, subject to participation by the private sector (a dual system of practice and theory) through pilot projects (identifying the potential institutions, as well as the partners and projects), entrepreneurship learning EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 7
PA 8 - Targets “Innovation, regional strategies, technology transfer” Improvement of the technological transfer through establishing measures like consulting services by chambers and other institutions or organizations, typically in cooperation with the Priority Area Coordinator 7 (PAC 7) “Competitiveness in all priority areas” Cooperation with all PAs, governance EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 8
PA 8 - Targets “Competitiveness, energy efficiency and environment ” Better use of environmental technologies, like for example: sewage treatment, refuse disposal, generation of energy from renewable resources, etc., first of all, through determination of the regional decision-makers concerning submission of the applications EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 9
PA 8 - Subgroups What subgroups shall be created? Examples: Concept development relating to Technology Transfer presented by Prof. Dr, Norbert Hoeptner, General Manager of the Steinbeis Europa Centre, Stuttgart Vocational training (Hungary/ BW…) Cluster development (Croatia/Austria /BW…) Other possibilities, such as, e.g. food processing (BW/.... EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 10
PA 8 – Subgroups Who are the members? Who leads? How do subgroups work? When do they meet? What follow-up on their work? How do they relate to the steering group and PAC? What procedures are needed? EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 11
How do others do? Example by PA 1a 12
PA 8 – Subgroups – working groups Policy discussions & monitoring on achievements in the steering group SG Working groups (WG) initiate-development concrete projects PAC keeps the overview on all groups Back-to-back meetings (for efficiency and coordination) Sub group members have very specific expertise, experience and operational responsibility on the topic One member should take the lead on practical steps EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 13
PA 8 – Subgroups – working groups SG proposes some sub group leaders Proposed leaders to initiate the work, collecting information, developing drafts, contacting... SG members from all 14 DR countries will identify and communicate the experts-competent persons, members of the sub groups until 20 January 2012 Until End of February proposed sub group leaders draft projects outlines TA budget for PA 8 will only finance meeting costs of the SG Personal commitment is key for success EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 14
PA 8 – “Flagship” “Innovation, regional strategies, technology transfer” EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Status Leader + Members Main activities Who?When?Finance? To be devel. -Prof. Hoeptner -Association of Techn. Centers of BW -BSC Ruse -Min.of Science BICRO from HR -HU Investment and Trade Ag.& Min.? -Cluster Association RO -Transnational techn. transfer (experts to companies) -Experts pool in techn.areas, univ., private inst. Etc. -Coordination centre provides vouchers 14 DR StatesFrom 20.1.12 -National SF programmes (coordination issue) along one concrete project developed together -2014-20 OPs to have these key words -Follow-up on pj. 15
PA 8 – “Flagship”“Danube vocational training initiative” EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Status Leader + Members Main activitiesWh o? When?Finance? To be develo ped -HU Chamber of commerce -BW Steinbeis -HR Chamber of crafts and of commerce -RS chamber of commerce -Human Resource devel. agency Ruse BG -All chambers -SEECEL (Entrepreneuria l Learning centre) -National registers on professions to be harmonised (pilots) -Research on national markets, interest by companies -DE examples -South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial LearningEnterpreneurs hip as a key competence learning (subgroup) to be multiplied in all countries Ukraine -SEE transnational programme (12 professions pilots) last call -Leonardo programme (some parts) <500.000 -NDSF programmes (regional-national and CBC) 16
PA 8 – “Flagship” “Danube clusters of excellence initiative” EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Status Leader + Members Main activities Who?When?Finance? -Upper AT -HR Min. Of economics -RS SCC and Council of clusters -RO Min. Of Economics -BW Steinbeis EU Centres -Danube Cluster alliance and Eco plus (lower AT) -Creating network cross- sectoral cooperation -Identify the different clusters and focus -Cluster benchmarking -Excellence approach for cluster mgmt. -C-B clusters -Exchange best practices -HR strategy IPA funds and national budget for regional clusters (Eastern HR) -1 st Oct. Central EU project CLUSTRAT 17
PA 8 – “Flagship” “Competitiveness, energy efficiency and environment ” EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Status Leader + Members Main activities Who?When?Finance? -BW (energy companies e.g. MVV) -HR Min. Of economics (Energy dept.) -RO Danube Renewable Energy Association -RS Min. Of Ecology -REA Agency in Ruse (Public owned) -Cooperation on renewable energy -Dr. Korak -Nikola Kibritev REA Ruse 18
PA 8 – “Flagship” “Competitiveness and innercity economic development” EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Status Leader + Members Main activities Who?When?Finance? -CODCR Mr. Langer -RS Chamber of commerce CODCR - contact office -Municipality of Ruse -Municipality of Novi Sad -Danube Tourism Commission VIE -Municipalities Vukovar and Osijek Ilok HR -Business Centre for SMEs BG -Cooperation in the field of culture, (wine) tourism, creative industries -Spatial planning -SGEIs -Supporting business services -Medieval fortresses on Danube IPA project RS and HR reconstruction of Golubac Fortress -Veliko Gradiste infrastructure IPA Fund 19
PA 8 – “Flagship” “Competitiveness and rural economic development” EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Status Leader + Members Main activities Who?When?Finance? -Leader from BG BSC SME -Min. For Agriculture RS -Min. Of economics Moldova -BW University of Hohenheim -HR Min. For Regional Development -Tulcea County RO -Research on current situation -Focus areas identification -Define financial instruments (existing- to be developed) -Strategy for Cohesion still preserving the variety -Clusters and brands in the agricultural productions -Floods -Agricultural funds -IPA funds rural development -CBC programmes -EIB and EBRD financing 20
PA 8 – “Flagship” “Competitiveness in all priority areas” EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Status Leader + Members Main activities Who?When?Finance? 21
PA 8 – “Flagship” “Women enterpreunership” EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Background (why?) ObjectivesMain activities Leader + Members Finance? Example: -situation in women enterpreunershi p -gaps Example: -formulating policy recommendatio ns Example: -identifying the key players in all countries and bringing them together Example: -SEECEL Centre HR -RO 22
Agenda 6 December 2011 -Project generation-labelling (when, how and who?) (9:00 – 10:40) -Cooperation with other PAs, e.g. Tourism, R+D (11:10- 11:30) -The establishment and maintenance of an Internet Portal for PA 8 - Conclusion and follow-up (11:30-12:30) EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 23
Project identification/generation and labelling Identifying new projects Generating new projects Not yet in the action plan, but complying with it What criteria for labelling PA 8 projects? What is labelling for? How should this work? When and who? EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 24
Example by environmental Priority Areas 4-5-6 CRITERIA FOR LABELLING A PROJECT : 1. The project has a transnational impact on the macro‐region or a significant part of it, which can derive from regional and local activities as well. 2. The most part of the project, its activities and its related impacts are located in the Danube Region. 3. The project demonstrates measurable benefits for the implementation of the EUSDR EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 25
Example by environmental Priority Areas 4-5-6 CRITERIA FOR LABELLING A PROJECT : 4. The project is in line with the relevant PA and does not contradict any target of the Pillar II of the EUSDR1. 5. The project provides concrete results for the Priority Area concerned through contributing to any of its targets and/or actions. 6. The project application is deemed to be realistic and thus the project proposal could be submitted to relevant funding sources. EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 26
Open questions: What is labelling for? Communication /reporting /financing ? How to influence financing decisions? Who suggest projects for labelling? Who decides? How to follow-up on labelled projects? How will projects be displayed? EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 27
Cooperation with other Priority Areas: What cooperation with other PAs already exist? What other overlapping would need to be addressed with a stronger cooperation with other PAs? What can be discussed on the 30-31 January in the PAC/NCP meeting? EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 28
29 News from programmes, projects, funding opportunities News from PACs, Commission, INTERACT Visual identity 29
33 Find out: Organisations Initiatives Labgroup PAC Network Etc Relevant infos: Website Email Short description 33
35 By country or strand Website Email Pillars covered No financial data 35
36 38
What do we need to have in PA 8 website? What are key informations? What level of information on the steering group members do we want? What do we want to tell to Project promoters? What information on the labeled projects? EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | 43
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