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Lesson 10  Remember to use complete sentences.  What stress do you have?  How do you manage your stress?  Look at pg. 94 What would you do? (Stress.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10  Remember to use complete sentences.  What stress do you have?  How do you manage your stress?  Look at pg. 94 What would you do? (Stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10  Remember to use complete sentences.  What stress do you have?  How do you manage your stress?  Look at pg. 94 What would you do? (Stress quiz wkst)

2 What causes stress?  Tests  Games  Nagging  Responsibilities  Changes in your body  Worries  relationships

3 How can you manage your stress?  Read a book  Use a stress ball  Watch TV  Exercise  Play games  Talk to friends  Go shopping  Listen to music  Watch a movie  Keep a journal  Take a shower  Take a bubble bath  Dance  Eat your favorite food  Swim  Call an old friend  Remember a fun time

4 Lesson 10 Expressing Emotions and Managing Stress  What happens when you get angry?

5 What are Symptoms of anger  Rapid breathing  Increased heart rate  Rise in blood pressure  Increased sweating  Sweaty palms  Dry mouth  Decreased sensitivity to pain  Increased alertness  Increased muscle strength  Tensed eyebrows  Pursed lips  Red face

6 What is an I-message compared to a you-message?  I-message: keeps communication lines open, does not threaten  Example: I feel that we are not communicating effectively  You-message: puts the other person on defense  Example: You don’t listen (complete wkst) (complete wkst)

7 List ways you can handle your anger  I-messages  Write in a journal  Breathe deep  Keep a sense of humor  Talk with a parent, mentor, or guardian (complete wkst)

8 What is adrenaline?  Adrenaline is a hormone that prepares the body to react during times of stress or in an emergency.  Fight or flight (stay or run)

9 How can you prevent or deal with stress?  Make responsible decisions  Keep a time-management plan  Keep a budget  Talk with parents, guardian, or mentor  Have the support of friends  Exercise  Write in a journal  Use breathing techniques  Eat healthy  Get plenty of sleep

10 Relaxation Techniques  Take the Stress Out of Your Life | RelaxNow | HomePage Take the Stress Out of Your Life | RelaxNow | HomePage Take the Stress Out of Your Life | RelaxNow | HomePage

11 What can you do if you feel your stress is too much?  Talk to an adult  Get help  Choose the “big rocks” first  Plan a schedule

12 Where can you get help?  Teens Homepage Teens Homepage Teens Homepage  Counselors  Parents  Teachers  Family doctor  Another trusted adult

13 Read lesson 11 Homework

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