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2011-2012 All Clubs Meeting Welcome all Club Presidents & Advisors!

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Presentation on theme: "2011-2012 All Clubs Meeting Welcome all Club Presidents & Advisors!"— Presentation transcript:

1 2011-2012 All Clubs Meeting Welcome all Club Presidents & Advisors!

2 Introduction Jake Funk: ASB Clubs Commissioner Victoria Nguyen: ASB Clubs Assistant Mr. Willer: IHS Activities Director Questions or concerns? Email:

3 Club Necessities In order to remain an active club at Irvington, every club must follow these 4 steps 1. Submit a Club Registration form to ASB. 2. Have a Club Account with Ms. Menke, Accounts Clerk, in the Main Office to handle all club funds. 3. Follow the Master Calendar when planning all activities. 4. Organize & execute at least 1 service/community event per year. 5. Must meet at least once a month. 6. The advisor or an chaperone must be present at all club events/meetings 7. Must have a constitution on file. 8. Cannot require membership fees to participate in any IHS club.

4 Getting Started Club Registration Form Fill it out and turn into the folder at the Club Information Board (With the typed constitution attached) Due Date: Friday, September 16 th at 3:00 PM All Clubs will be notified of approval by Friday, October 1 st.

5 Club Account Once every club is approved, each club will have a Club Account opened by Ms. Menke in the Main Office. All club funds must be handled through Club Account opened with Ms. Menke. NO PRIVATE ACCOUNTS ALLOWED! A “Revenue Potential/Fundraising Recap” form must be completed & turned in to Ms. Menke every time there is a club fundraiser. Must use the Authorization to Pay form for all reimbursements. THE BEST DAY TO CHECK YOUR CLUB ACCOUNT IS FRIDAY!

6 Club Minutes All clubs must keep a record of what has been happening during every club meeting for their own benefit.

7 Master Calendar Request Form Fundraisers, events, activities, or any other type of business besides regular club meetings MUST be filled out on a Master Calendar Request Form EACH TIME to get the activity approved beforehand. Unapproved event = NO EVENT Unapproved event = NO PUBLICITY FOR THE EVENT You will be penalized for publicizing an event that has not been approved

8 Process for Master Calendar Request Form 1. Obtain Master Calendar Request form in the SU. 2. Check Master Activity Calendar for any conflicts with other school activities/major school events. 3. Check Facility-Use Book with Mrs. Hartigan in the office to see if rooms needed are available & fill out Facility Use Form. Forms are available at the Club Information Board and from the office. If you are using Valhalla, also fill out the Valhalla Use form. 4. Fill out Master Calendar Request form completely & turn in form to the SU to be approved by ASB.

9 Facility Use If Clubs wish to meet in another room other than Advisor’s room, arrangements must be made for another meeting location (Norse Hall, Valhalla, etc.) and must be filled out on the Facility-Use Form through Mrs. Hartigan. Arrangements Valhalla: Must contact & reserve with Mr. DiLorenzo beforehand and obtain Valhalla Use form. Gym or Norse Hall: Must be reserved with Mrs. Hartigan.

10 Service/Community Event Requirement To be considered an active club at Irvington, every club must organize AT LEAST 1 service/community event per year. NO EVENT(S) ORGANIZED = CLUB WILL BE PUT ON PROBATION for 1 month until Master Calendar Request form for planned event is submitted. Event must: 1. Benefit a nonprofit organization, community, or school in a significant way. 2. Be open to all Irvington High School students.

11 Process for Service Event 1. Get Master Calendar Request Form and Service Event Request Form. 2. Return Service Event Request Form 1 month in advance. 3. Service Learning coordinators and ASB will review, form will be ready to be picked up in one week from the SU. 4. Attach Club Events Sign-Up sheet for non-club members and club members (if you have your own, make sure that non-club members get written on our paper). 5. 3 Weeks Time for outside club members to sign up for event (in Rm 25) and clubs will be required to make an informational flyer about event (attractive with max. number of members allowed to sign up) due one week after event approval. 6. 3 Days in Advance - club officer can pick up form with outside members wanting to apply for event. 7. Turn in both papers shortly after event.

12 Club Service Learning Hour Form Starting this year, all Club Events & Activities allowing students to gain Service Learning Hours MUST be filled out on Club Service Learning Hour Form. If any club records Club Service Hours onto Mr. Lewis’s regular forms (even by accident), the hours will not be counted for the club or for the student who took part in the activity.

13 Club Fundraising  All club fundraising events must not conflict with other programs at IHS. *Parental permission must be submitted in order for members to participate when event is off school grounds.*  Fundraising events must be approved by ASB through Master Calendar Request form.  Food may be sold before or after school, but not at any other times, unless notified by Clubs Commissioner.  Donations cannot go through the club’s account. MONEY COLLECTION IS NOT ALLOWED ON CAMPUS DURING SCHOOL HOURS.

14 Prohibited Fundraising Activities 1. Raffles/Games of chance 2. Rides (mechanical or animal) 3. Anything using darts or arrows 4. Anything involving throwing objects at a live target 5. Water tanks (into which people are “dunked”) 6. Destruction of old cars or similar objects with hammers, etc. 7. Sales of cosmetics, used jewelry, or used clothing 8. Rental of district-owned equipment of facilities to outside groups 9. Trampolines or mini-trampolines 10. Car washes

15 Club Publicizing Posters Clubs may use supplies needed (butcher paper, poster paints, tape, etc.) from the SU, but messes must be cleaned up & all supplies must be put back into their correct places when finished. *POSTER PAINTS ARE NOT ALLOWED OUT OF THE CAFETERIA!* Rules:  Poster must state name of event, date, time, location, &/or fee.  Must be taped using masking tape only.  Must be taken down after the event has taken place.  Must only be put up in designated areas  May only publicized for APPROVED events

16 Consequences for NOT Following Any Club Rules 1. Written warning 2. One Month probation 3. Permanent BAN!

17 Recap Forms:  Master Calendar Request Form  Facility-Use Form  Service Event Request Form  Club Service Learning Hour Form  Deposit Slip  Authorization to Pay Form  Revenue Potential/Fundraising Recap Form Important Dates: Fri, 9/16: CLUB REGISTRATION DEADLINE!!! All forms turned into the envelope located on the Club Information Board. Fri, 10/1: Approved Clubs List will be posted online and on the board. All approved Clubs’ accounts will be opened with Ms. Menke.

18 Thank You!

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