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Preparing IB World Literature Papers Exam candidates 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing IB World Literature Papers Exam candidates 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing IB World Literature Papers Exam candidates 2011

2 TITLES Make them strong and specific.

3 Titles 2a

4 Titles 2b


6 Add the number and letter at the beginning of the title for Paper 2.

7 Word Count Quotations are included in the word count. Bibliographies are not. The statement of intent for 2b is included. The extract for 2c is not. You do not need to put the word count on your paper; however, you MUST bring it to put on your cover sheet.

8 Do not put a 4-line heading on your paper. Set your page margins at 1” Insert a header: IB # 002135-*** – (Fill in the last 3 numbers with your number. Make certain you know what that is today.)

9 Works Cited Make certain you follow MLA format. Make certain you have the correct translator. Within the parenthetical citation, make certain you have the author’s last name and the correct page number.

10 MLA Documentation Reminders Citing more than one work in a single parenthetical reference (Fukuyama 42; McRae 101-33) MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 229

11 Drama “If you quote dialogue between two or more characters in a play, set the quotation off from your text. Begin each part of the dialogue with the appropriate character’s name indented one inch from the left margin and written in al capital letters: HAMLET. Follow the names with a period, and start the quotation. Indent all subsequent lines in that character’s speech an additional quarter inch. When the dialogue shifts to another character, start a new line indented one inch from the left margin.” - MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 96

12 Stage Directions “In general, stage directions are treated like other quoted text: they should be reproduced exactly as they appear in the original source …. When stage directions interrupt the grammatical sense of your sentence, they may be replaced with an ellipsis.” - MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 97

13 Oedipus the King “If you are citing only line numbers, do not use the abbreviation l. or ll., which can be confused with numerals. Instead, initially use the word line or lines and then, having established that the numbers designate lines, give the numbers alone.” - MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 227

14 A Doll’s House Since we do not have line numbers, give as much information as possible. (127; Act 2) Your quotation would be found on page 127 in Act 2.

15 Unless otherwise noted, all material comes from

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