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Social Media Marketing: An Hour A Day Author: Dave Evans Author: Dave Evans.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Marketing: An Hour A Day Author: Dave Evans Author: Dave Evans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Marketing: An Hour A Day Author: Dave Evans Author: Dave Evans

2 Origin of the Social Web  Early Social Networks The Pushback and Backlash The role of TRUST is central to marketing effectiveness in social conversations  Early Social Networks The Pushback and Backlash The role of TRUST is central to marketing effectiveness in social conversations

3 A Marketer’s Dilemma Give up control in order to gain presence in the conversations Clutter and media saturation results in avoidance Early word-of-mouth Amazon free shipping The Social Web Blooms Give up control in order to gain presence in the conversations Clutter and media saturation results in avoidance Early word-of-mouth Amazon free shipping The Social Web Blooms

4 Social Media Wikipedia Social Media vs. Traditional Media The Classic Purchase Funnel The Social Feedback Cycle Robert Scoble’s Starfish Concept Wikipedia Social Media vs. Traditional Media The Classic Purchase Funnel The Social Feedback Cycle Robert Scoble’s Starfish Concept

5 Preparing for Social Marketing The Social Web  The Power of the Collective, Reed’s Law  Social Networks The Social Feedback Cycle  Consideration Phase Touchpoint Analysis Influence and Measurement The Social Web  The Power of the Collective, Reed’s Law  Social Networks The Social Feedback Cycle  Consideration Phase Touchpoint Analysis Influence and Measurement

6 Social Media Channels Social Media Campaign  No Interruption  Platforms, Content, Interactions Social Platforms  Participation and Transparency Multimedia  Blogs, Microblogs, Audio/Video, Podcasts Ratings and Reviews and Recommendations Social Interactions  Feeds Social Media Campaign  No Interruption  Platforms, Content, Interactions Social Platforms  Participation and Transparency Multimedia  Blogs, Microblogs, Audio/Video, Podcasts Ratings and Reviews and Recommendations Social Interactions  Feeds

7 Important Points Do not interrupt your customers, get them involved - influence them  You can’t create desire, but you can influence it Trust and word-of-mouth Participate and be active Give up control Social Media Marketing  Do not interrupt your customers, get them involved - influence them  You can’t create desire, but you can influence it Trust and word-of-mouth Participate and be active Give up control Social Media Marketing 

8 Pro’s Precise in the step-by-step guide Reflective, main points Flexible, for different types of people Incorporated tips, pictures and examples Pro’s Precise in the step-by-step guide Reflective, main points Flexible, for different types of people Incorporated tips, pictures and examples Con’s Repetitive in his definitions of social media targeted towards people with no social media experience Did not flow very well - lost my attention

9 Questions?

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