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Jorge Hernández Julián Monzón.  To express obligation (must) and past obligation (had to) You must do what the instructions sais. We had to answer to.

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Presentation on theme: "Jorge Hernández Julián Monzón.  To express obligation (must) and past obligation (had to) You must do what the instructions sais. We had to answer to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jorge Hernández Julián Monzón

2  To express obligation (must) and past obligation (had to) You must do what the instructions sais. We had to answer to 50% of the questions to pass the exam.  To express prohibition (mustn't) You mustn't talk when the teacher is talking.

3  To make deductions from evidences (must) They must be coming, its almost time.  Past deductions (must + have + past participle) Charles must have gone, I haven't seen him since long time.  Future deductions (must be going to + infinitive) They bought lots of drinks, they must be going to do a party at home.

4  To give strong advice (must/mustn´t) You must study for the exam.  To make recommendations (must/mustn´t) You must see Avatar, it´s a great film.  Referring to a strong necessity (must) You must eat, if not you will die.

5 They mean the same…you can use which you prefer or is better (register)  To say that something looks likely as it is normal It´s 9:30, mom should have dinner already done.  To suggest a good idea to do You ought to tell the teacher what happened.

6  To express a duty or a weak obligation you have to do You should let people go out before you go in.  To criticize attitudes or actions Charles, you shouldn´t talk with your mouth full.  To give importance of doing something We ought to bring winter cloths, it´s snowing there.  To refer to a necessity You ought to take sun cream to the beach if you don't want a sun burn.

7  Negatives (oughtn´t to/should not) Charles shouldn´t go outside with that cloths, he will freeze.  Past (ought to/should + have + past participle) You ought to have asked what you wanted before getting it by yourself.

8  To make polite invitations (would more polite) Will you reserve me this seat, please?  To describe normal habits (will) Charles will tell us things that happened to him. *Will (stressed) means irritation: Charles will never take his plate when he finishes dinner.

9  To talk about PAST habits (would/n´t) Every day Charles would get up very early. *Would (stressed) means irritation: He would keep driving drunk. At the end he got cought by the police.  To make a demand and insist at something in the future You will go out of my class! You will stop smoking or I´ll tell mom. *Will and would are also used for conditionals (unit 1) and for other future forms (unit 10)


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