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Ch. 7 Local Variables and Parameter Passing From the text by Valvano: Introduction to Embedded Systems: Interfacing to the Freescale 9S12.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 7 Local Variables and Parameter Passing From the text by Valvano: Introduction to Embedded Systems: Interfacing to the Freescale 9S12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 7 Local Variables and Parameter Passing From the text by Valvano: Introduction to Embedded Systems: Interfacing to the Freescale 9S12

2 7.1 Local vs. Global A local variable contains temporary information. In assembly language local variables can be placed on stacks or in registers. Local variables are not shared with other modules and are considered private. Local variables are allocated and deallocated.

3 7.1 (cont.) Program 7.1 (page 257) –Lines 6-9 show local variable in register B 6 FSM ldab OUT,x 7 lslb 8 lslb 9 stab PTT –Register B is allocated in 6, used, then deallocated in 9 and used for other purposes aftwards.

4 7.1 (cont.) Reasons for choosing local over global. –Dynamic allocation allows for reuse of RAM. –Limited scope of access provides data protection. –An interrupt will save registers and create its own stack frame, thus the code is reentrant (definition on page 525). –The code is relocatable (absolute addressing is not used.)

5 7.1 (cont.) Reasons why local variables are placed on the stack instead of using registers. –Symbolic names can be used for local variables. –The stack size can be larger than the number of registers. –It is easier to add additional variables.

6 7.1 (cont.) A global variable is allocated at a permanent and fixed location in RAM. A public global variable is shared by more than one module. Global variables are used to pass information between the main program and an interrupt subroutine.

7 7.1 (cont.) Global variables are created at assembly time and never deallocated.

8 7.2 Stack Rules The stack pointer on the 9S12 points to the top entry of the stack (Fig. 7.1, pg 259) PUSH—decrement the SP and store the data at the location pointed to. PULL—First read the byte pointed to by the SP and then increment the pointer. Instructions tsx and tsy transfers copies of the SP into Register X and Register Y, respectively.

9 7.2 (cont.) Index mode can be used to read data from the stack (pg. 260). Rules for LIFO (from Ch.5) –Program segments should have an equal number of pushes and pulls. –Stack accesses (push or pull) should not be performed outside the allocated area. –Stack reads and writes should not be performed within the free area. –Stack push should first decrement Sp, then store the data. –Stack pull should first read the data, then increment SP.

10 7.3 Local Variables Allocated on the Stack Stack implementation of local variables has four stages (page 261) –Binding –Allocation –Access –Deallocation

11 7.3 (cont.) Binding –Assignment of and address to a symbolic name, used by the programmer for the local variable. Example –sumset0 ; 16-bit local variable on stack –Assembler binds the symbolic name to a stack index. –The Computer calculates the physical location during execution. –Local variable is at SP + 0; programmer will access the variable using sum with SP addressing.

12 7.3 (cont.) Allocation –Local variable is generated in memory. –During execution, space is allocated by decrementing the SP. –Example 1 psha ; allocate 8 bit local variable –Example 2 pshx ; allocate 16 bit local variable –Example 3 leas -2,SP ; 16 bit load effective address to stackpointer

13 7.3 (cont.) Access –Read/write operation occurring during execution. –Fragments of code (pg. 262)

14 7.3 (cont.) Deallocation –Release of the memory for the local variable. –Durring execution, the SP can be decremented. –Example 1 pulx –Example 2 leas 2,SP ;effective address changed by 2

15 Checkpoint 7.9 Write a 9S12 subroutine that allocates then deallocates three 8-bit locals. –Subleas-3,SP; allocate –; use locals – leas 3,SP;deallocate –rts

16 7.4 Stack Frames Stack Frame Pointer –A second pointer into the stack –Register X or Y is used. –After the stack frame is set up (eg using tsx), then the stack frame register should not be modified. –USE: the stack frame pointer could be used to point to a set of local variables.

17 7.5 Parameter Passing Using Registers, Stack, and Global Variables With call by reference, a pointer to the object is passessed, and a large amount of data can be passed. With call by value, a copy of the data itself is passed.

18 7.5 (cont.) 7.5.1 Parameter Passing in C. 7.5.2 Parameter Passing in Assembly Language –Registers can be used for a small number of parameters (program 7.9, page 267). –The stack can be used for many paramters (Program 7.20, page 268). –Global variables is a simple (but should not be used) way of passing parameters.

19 7.5 (cont.) 7.5.3 C Compiler Implementation of Local and Global Variables –Why learn assembly language? Analyzing assembly listings when programming in a high-level language. Some decisions are best done by looking at the assembly language—accuracy, reliability, speed, code size.

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