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Wordlist 30 Alberta Clippers. 1. Ashore (adv.) Definition: towards or onto land from an area of water Synonym: shorewards, on the beach Example: A few.

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Presentation on theme: "Wordlist 30 Alberta Clippers. 1. Ashore (adv.) Definition: towards or onto land from an area of water Synonym: shorewards, on the beach Example: A few."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wordlist 30 Alberta Clippers

2 1. Ashore (adv.) Definition: towards or onto land from an area of water Synonym: shorewards, on the beach Example: A few pieces of wood had washed ashore. Word Family:

3 2. Beneath (prep.) Definition: in or to a lower position than someone or something, under someone or something Synonym: under, underneath, below Example: Jeremy hid the letter beneath a pile of papers. Word Family:

4 3. Clippers (n.) Definition: a cutting tool, especially shears Synonym: Example: hedge clippers. Word Family:

5 4. Disoriented (adj.) Definition: confused and not knowing where to go or what to do Synonym: distracted, mixed up, unstable, unhinged Example: Whales become disoriented in shallow water. Word Family:

6 5. Frostbitten (adj.) Definition: injury to someone caused by severe cold, usually to their toes, fingers, ears, or nose Synonym: Example: frostbitten fingers/toes Word Family:

7 6. Grave (adj.) Definition: serious or solemn; sober Synonym: serious, important, crucial Example: a grave person; grave thoughts Word Family: grave·ly, adverb grave·ness, noun un·grave·ly, adverb

8 7. Hollow (n.) Definition: an empty space within anything; a hole, depression, or cavity. Synonym: pit, cavity, hole Example: a hollow at the base of a tree Word Family:

9 8. Swirl (n.) Definition: to (cause to) move quickly with a twisting, circular movement Synonym: reel, spin Example: Swirl a little oil around the frying pan. Word Family: swirl·ing·ly, adverb out·swirl, verb (used with object)

10 9. Trait (n.) Definition: a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour Synonym: peculiarity, mark, attribute, property Example: His sense of humour is one of his better traits. Word Family:

11 10. Trooper (n.) Definition: a soldier who belongs to the lowest rank in the part of an army that fights in strong military vehicles or on horses Synonym: Example: a trooper from the 7 th Cavalry Word Family:

12 11. Vicious (adj.) Definition: violent and cruel Synonym: brutal, savage, violent Example: a vicious dog Word Family: vi·cious·ly, adverb vi·cious·ness, noun un·vi·cious, adjective un·vi·cious·ly, adverb un·vi·cious·ness, noun

13 12. Wrap (v.) Definition: to enclose in something wound or folded about Synonym: enclose, cloak Example: She wrapped her head in a scarf. Word Family: in·ter·wrap, verb (used without object), in·ter·wrapped, in·ter·wrap·ping. pre·wrap, verb (used with object), pre·wrapped, pre·wrap·ping. pre·wrap, noun re·wrap, verb, re·wrapped, re·wrap·ping. un·der·wrap, noun

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