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10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 1 How students learn better Dehghani MR. MD.

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Presentation on theme: "10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 1 How students learn better Dehghani MR. MD."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 1 How students learn better Dehghani MR. MD.

2 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 2 Self directed learning Self directed learners Are individuals who are able to plan, initiate, and evaluate their own learning experiences with or without the assistance of others

3 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 3 Types of self directed learning INFORMAL( random learning) SEMISTRUCTURED(immediate patient problem imbedded in daily work ) FORMAL (intentional effort to learn about specific problems or issues)

4 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 4 “ The kids we bring into medical schools are wonderful with the highest possible qualities. We then submerge them in facts and beat the imagination out of them.” K Calman 1997

5 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 5 The pedagogic shift…

6 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 6 from The traditional teacher centered approach, in which the emphasis is on teachers and what they teach…

7 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 7 To The student centered approach, in which the emphasis is on students and what they learn…

8 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 8 Requires A fundamental change in the role of the educator from that of a didactic teacher to that of a facilitator of learning.

9 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 9 Self directed learning involves the learner as an active participant and encourages the development of a deep approach to learning

10 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 10 Is perceived as relevant Is based on, and builds on, their previous experiences Is participatory and actively involves them Is focused on problems Is designed so that they can take responsibility for their own learning Can be immediately applied in practice Involves cycles of action and reflection Is based on mutual trust and respect Principles of Adult Learning Adults are motivated by learning that:

11 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 11 A continuum of teaching methods Lecture Small Group Teaching Research Supervision Lab. WorkGuided Discovery Learning Independent Learning Student participation and control Lecturer participation and control

12 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 12 Two important dimensions of Methods Seminar paper while paper is read Case study Problem-based class Discussion following reading of seminar paper Lecture Post-lecture tutorial Tutor dominatedStudent dominated Dominance Degree of Structure High Poor Independent Learning Guided Discovery Learning

13 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 13 Different types of question Based on content

14 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 14 Conceptual You have a class on different races. What is your idea on racial differences?

15 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 15 Empirical You show the class how the motor engine works ? Can you explain how the fuel can be used economically ?

16 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 16 Value You teach different teaching methods ? what is the best method for teaching CPR procedure?

17 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 17 Based on dimension of coverage

18 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 18 Narrow – Broad Narrow : When a child can walk? Broad : What did you do yesterday?

19 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 19 Recall – Thought Recall:what was the date of vienna congress on medical education? Thought : how can unemployment be reduced?

20 10/10/2014 محمودرضا دهقانی 20 Confusion – clear Clear : What is the dimension of that board? Confusing : What is your idea on psychological view of learning disabilities?

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