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Javier Junquera Exercises on basis set generation Control of the range: the energy shift.

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Presentation on theme: "Javier Junquera Exercises on basis set generation Control of the range: the energy shift."— Presentation transcript:

1 Javier Junquera Exercises on basis set generation Control of the range: the energy shift

2 Most important reference followed in this lecture

3 How to control the range of the orbitals in a balanced way: the energy shift Complement M III “Quantum Mechanics”, C. Cohen-Tannoudji et al. Increasing E  has a node and tends to -  when x  +  Particle in a confinement potential: Imposing a finite + Continuous function and first derivative  E is quantized (not all values allowed)

4 Cutoff radius, r c, = position where each orbital has the node A single parameter for all cutoff radii The larger the Energy shift, the shorter the r c ’s Typical values: 100-200 meV E. Artacho et al. Phys. Stat. Solidi (b) 215, 809 (1999) How to control de range of the orbitals in a balanced way: the energy shift Energy increase  Energy shift PAO.EnergyShift (energy)

5 Bulk Al, a metal that crystallizes in the fcc structure Go to the directory with the exercise on the energy-shift Inspect the input file, More information at the Siesta web page and follow the link Documentations, Manual As starting point, we assume the theoretical lattice constant of bulk Al FCC lattice Sampling in k in the first Brillouin zone to achieve self-consistency

6 For each basis set, a relaxation of the unit cell is performed Variables to control the Conjugate Gradient minimization Two constraints in the minimization: - the position of the atom in the unit cell (fixed at the origin) - the shear stresses are nullified to fix the angles between the unit cell lattice vectors to 60°, typical of a fcc lattice

7 The energy shift: Variables to control the range of the basis set

8 The energy shift: Run S IESTA for different values of the PAO.EnergyShift PAO.EnergyShift 0.002 Ry Edit the input file and set up Then, run S IESTA $siesta Al.0.002.out

9 For each energy shift, search for the range of the orbitals Edit each output file and search for:

10 For each energy shift, search for the free energy Edit each output file and search for: We are interested in this number

11 For each energy shift, search for the free energy Edit each output file and search for: We are interested in this number

12 For each energy shift, search for the relaxed lattice constant Edit each output file and search for: The lattice constant in this particular case would be 2.108073 Å × 2 = 4.216146 Å

13 For each energy shift, search for the timer per SCF step We are interested in this number

14 The energy shift: Run S IESTA for different values of the PAO.EnergyShift PAO.EnergyShift 0.002 Ry Edit the input file and set up Then, run S IESTA $siesta Al.0.002.out Try different values of the PAO.EnergyShift PAO.EnergyShift 0.010 Ry$siesta Al.0.010.out PAO.EnergyShift 0.015 Ry$siesta Al.0.015.out PAO.EnergyShift 0.020 Ry$siesta Al.0.020.out PAO.EnergyShift 0.025 Ry$siesta Al.0.025.out PAO.EnergyShift 0.005 Ry$siesta Al.0.005.out PAO.EnergyShift 0.030 Ry $siesta Al.0.030.out PAO.EnergyShift 0.040 Ry$siesta Al.0.040.out PAO.EnergyShift 0.035 Ry$siesta Al.0.035.out

15 Analyzing the results Edit in a file (called, for instance, cutoff-ef.dat) the previous values as a function of the Energy shift

16 Analyzing the results: range of the orbitals as a function of the energy shift $ gnuplot $ gnuplot> plot "cutoff-ef.dat" u 1:2 w l, "cutoff-ef.dat" u 1:3 w l $ gnuplot> set terminal postscript color $ gnuplot> set output “” $ gnuplot> replot

17 Analyzing the results: lattice constant as a function of the energy shift $ gnuplot $ gnuplot> plot "cutoff-ef.dat" u 1:4 w l $ gnuplot> set terminal postscript color $ gnuplot> set output “” $ gnuplot> replot

18 Analyzing the results: free energy as a function of the energy shift $ gnuplot $ gnuplot> plot "cutoff-ef.dat" u 1:5 w l $ gnuplot> set terminal postscript color $ gnuplot> set output “” $ gnuplot> replot

19 Analyzing the results: time per SCF step as a function of the energy shift $ gnuplot $ gnuplot> plot "cutoff-ef.dat" u 1:6 w l $ gnuplot> set terminal postscript color $ gnuplot> set output “” $ gnuplot> replot

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