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By: Macy, Paige, Ashley, and Alex "Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind."

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Presentation on theme: "By: Macy, Paige, Ashley, and Alex "Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.""— Presentation transcript:


2 By: Macy, Paige, Ashley, and Alex "Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind."

3  1452-1519  Born in Tuscan hill, Florensce  Buried in Château d'Amboise  Parents: Caterina da Vinci, Piero da Vinci  Died in the castle of Cloux Biography

4  Preferred to draw math (which became geometry)  Thought math was better represented with a drawing  Artistic abilities  All these things helped him create geometry Main Studies Geometry

5  Geometry is centered around the properties and configurations of geometric objects. (solids, points, straight lines ect.)  The word geometry comes from the Greek word geometria.  Geometry can be easily found in nature.  The literal translation of geometria is “to measure the earth” What did the acorn say when it grew up? Answer: “Geometry” (Gee, I’m a tree) –found by Paige What is Geometry

6  Polyhedrons are solids that always have FLAT faces.  The word polyhedron is derived from the Greek language. Poly- which means “many”, and -edron which means “faces”.  Polyhedrons can be anything from cubes to dodecahedrons. This means the number of faces can vary greatly.  Ployhedrons can never have curves Polyhedrons

7  Anemometer  Flying Machine  Helicopter (Aerial Screw)  Parachute  Giant Crossbow  Clock  Scuba Gear  Revolving Bridge Inventions

8  Was interested in water because it has so many forms  It can be life-giving, or taking.  It can be speeding or still.  Water has more power than is ever imaginable. (That’s why we did the ripple transition.) Interest in Water

9  Created a code  Used a mirror to right back wards that way people couldn’t steal his work  They are still decoding some of it Interesting Facts

10 Paintings Mona Lisa  Her name was Lisa Gheradini  She had two kids  Was 24 years old  Why she was picked is still a mystery

11 The Last Supper  Was asked to paint a painting for his church  Took at least three years to paint  He tried to make the the picture come alive  And the expression on his face Paintings (continued)

12  Human Anatomy  Tank  Helicopter  Everday Mathematics  Scuba Gear Where can you find it today?

13 Work Cited Page mathematician.html DaVinci/ornithopter-Flying-Machinece.htm 15429.html

14 Special Thanks to all the creators of the amazing images in this PowerPoint. Work Cited Page (continued)


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