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Hingham Public Schools Preliminary Budget Information FY 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Hingham Public Schools Preliminary Budget Information FY 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hingham Public Schools Preliminary Budget Information FY 2015

2 Administration, Facilities, Health and Transportation Trend FY 15 Preliminary Budget

3 Hingham Public Schools FY 15 Preliminary Budget

4 Custodian Coverage Query to DOE List Serve Roger Young and Associates – Range 17,000 – 30,000 Square Feet – Three levels of cleaning – Specialized spaces also considered Some Examples

5 CUSTODIAL STAFFING STANDARDS CLASSROOM FACILITIES SOURCE: The Association of Higher Education Facilities Officials StandardDescriptorCustodians/sq ft Building Level 1 : Orderly Spotlessness "Showcase level of cleaning" 1 : 10,000 sq ft Level 2 : Ordinary Tidiness "Level at which cleaning should be maintained" 1 : 20,000 sq ft Level 3 : Casual Inattention "Lowered level of cleanliness with areas 1 : 30,000 sq ft becoming unacceptable" Level 4 : Moderate Dinginess "An environment lacking normal cleanliness 1 : 40,000 sq ft with areas becoming unacceptable" Level 5 : Unkempt "Generally dirty facility with cleaning 1 : 50,000 sq ft accomplished at an unacceptable level" MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL STANDARD: 1 Maintenance 50,000 sq ft

6 DescriptionVariable FTE These items are above and beyond the ordinary normal standards of custodial duties: Supervisory and non custodial functions done by Head Custodian ( Check water fountains daily-Flushing IPM Coordinators- Designated Person Right to Know Inspections- Designated Person Indoor Air Quality- Designated Person Inventory / Deliveries Interface with Contractors and Trades Personnel- SDA Capital Improvement Program Hearings- AIP and Disciplinary AHERA Surveillance- Designated Person).5 Summer School Sites.2 Two Café Schools.1 Over Crowding.1 Oil firing vessel schools.2 Leaky building envelopes.2 Unit Ventilators.1 Setting up meetings/Training.1 For Groups setting up /conference.1 Graffiti.2 Building Age (50, 75, 100 years old).1,.2,.3 Special School (Handicapped)1.2 Vandalism.1 After School Programs.2 Contractors and Tradesmen.1 Elevator.2 Breakfast Programs in classrooms.1 Acreage (exterior grounds).1 Evening School.2 Pool.2 Summer Recreation.2 White VCT TILE FLOORS.2 Air Dale Units.1 Day School Only1.0 NEWARK PUBLIC SCHOOLS GUIDELINES FOR SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SCHOOLS AS OF JANUARY 24, 2008

7 Hingham Public Schools FY 15 Preliminary Budget

8 Forecasting Method FY 14 based on FY 12 actual usage adjusted for seasonality – FY 12 was the year without winter – FY 14 may be too low as winter has been very cold FY 15 based on FY 13 actual usage adjusted for Seasonality – FY 13 was a little warmer than average – Usage increased to average and multiplied by rate – New Middle School burns gas, not oil

9 Heating Degree Days YearTotalAverage 2000-20016359 2001-20025393 2002-20036856 2003-20046346 2004-20056522 2005-20065810 2006-20075966 2007-20086113 2008-20096410 2009-20105858 2010-201163126176.818 2011-201250340.814983 2012-201359306069.923 FY 15 Gross Up Factor0.976948 Heating is the primary driver for gas, oil and electric costs. Primary fuels are combusted while pumps, circulators, and blowers distribute the heat.

10 Energy Budget Natural Gas New MS converts to natural gas In FY 15

11 Energy Budget Oil New MS no longer burns oil

12 Electric Budget New MS built to current day code

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