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FaxPress Administrator Training Basic Installation and Configuration

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1 FaxPress Administrator Training Basic Installation and Configuration
A New Generation of Network Fax Servers for Business and Enterprise FaxPress Administrator Training Basic Installation and Configuration

2 A New Generation of Network Fax Servers for Business and Enterprise
The purpose of this training is to provide our VARs/Partners education and knowledge of Castelle Network Fax Servers as well as the opportunity to have training of FaxPress installation and configuration.

3 Support Contacts Pre-Sales Support Technical Support
(6AM – 5PM PST) Phone: (408) Technical Support Darius Rike Phone: (408) Fax: (408) Darin McGinnes Phone: (408) Fax: (408)

4 Web Training Agenda Basic Installation and Configuration
September 9, AM – 9AM PT About Castelle FaxPress Overview Installation Requirements Demo - Server Installation Demo - Client Installation Basic Configuration Demo – Sending/Receiving Faxes Q&A

5 “The All-in-One Fax Solution for Business and Enterprise”
About Castelle “The All-in-One Fax Solution for Business and Enterprise” Complete network fax solution Includes all necessary hardware and software Desktop PC faxing Fax-to- integration Production faxing Workflow and Document Management Integration Integration with Scanners and Multi-Function Printers (MFP) Tools for developing custom fax applications Support for leading network environments Fax Server market is mature and most solutions offer same functions and capbilities Some solutions charge the user to use different software components Kepoint: we give the customer everything they need without any extra charge Only thing you can additionally purchase is Extended Support Next day hardware replacement Unlimited Tech Support Free Software Upgrades Or software upgrades if you don’t have Extended Support

6 FaxPress Overview Here is a view of a FP5000.
This shows the typical ports on a FaxPress server The FaxPress5000 has an internal power supply, fax ports, 1-8, depending on the model, 10/100 network interface and a parallel port for printing. Parallel port supports PCL printers only, suggest using network printing Runs a Unix like real time OS FaxPress 5000 has 1 proccessor on motherboard, and 1 proccessor each on fax boards FaxPress 5000 has 32 megs on motherboared and 1 meg on each fax board FaxPress has 1 proccessor and 8 megs of ram.

7 FaxPress Overview FaxPress Server Diskless appliance
FaxPress requires shared storage from a host machine Logs into the Share as a network user to access it own files Boot PROM Only code inside the box when turned off Hardware self test (LED sequence) Includes networking drivers Loads “sys” and “out” file from Host File Server to its own memory All files live in the Castelle directory on the Host File Server FaxPress running a Diskless Operating System. It needs file storage from a file server or workstation S/N user logs into “Castelle” share – during setup a local user with name as the S/N of unit and a group called“FaxPress” installed on Host machine. FaxPress downloads into own memory from Host machine its OS (sys file) and fax application (out file).

8 FaxPress Overview FaxPress 2500 FaxPress 5000 Fax Modems 1 or 2 Lines
FaxPress 2500 FaxPress 5000 Fax Modems 1 or 2 Lines  4 or 8 Lines Microprocessors 1  2 or 3 Recommended number of Users 50 to 100 Unlimited Network Topology Ethernet 10/100Base T Integration Standard Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista Yes Netware 5.x/6.x Terminal Server Support We don’t gage on users, but fax volume The average is 1 fax page per minute per line. This equates to 480 fax pages per line per day.

9 FaxPress Overview Diagram shows how FaxPress is incorporated in the network. Recommended to have Host machine separate from Gateway machine. Archive and Gateway are Windows Services.

10 FaxPress 9.x Features Similar interface used by FaxPress Plus
Similar interface used by FaxPress Plus MSI Installer – use Group Policy to install client Expanded MFP Integrations EFI SendMe Ricoh GlobalScan Sharp OSA2 Platform Windows Vista and Office 2007 compatibility Exchange Server 2007 compatibility – New feature of 9.1/9.1.5 FaxPress 9.0 supports an MSI installer for easier deployment Also FaxPress client is compatible with Windows Vista and Office 2007 – Vista for host machine, not supported.

11 Installation Requirements
Host Machine Shared storage can be an existing workstation or server Static IP address recommended for host machine Administrative rights to install FaxPress software IP teaming (network load balancing) not supported FaxPress uses a client/server architecture Need Host machine for FaxPress server Static IP recommended, but can use reserved DHCP address We do not support IP teaming for network load balancing

12 Installation Requirements
Host Machine Minimum Hardware: Intel Pentium III or equivalent 500MHZ or faster 256MB of system memory 100MB of HD, but depends on volume of fax Estimate 100K per fax page 100 pages = 10MB 1000 pages = 100MB 10,000 pages = 1GB Any modern system will do Disk storage would be more of a factor Not recommend to install on Terminal Server

13 Installation Requirements
Host Machine Supported Platforms: Windows 2000/XP/2003 – TCP/IP (32 bit OS only) Note: Windows Vista/2008 Server not supported Netware 5.x/6.x Bindery/NDS – IPX/SPX or TCP/IP 99% Windows environment. However, we Still support Netware.

14 Installation Requirements
Windows 2000/XP/2003 Special Considerations: FaxPress installation creates a local user and group If Windows XP is using simple file sharing then “Enable network users to change my files” must be checked on the “Share” tab under the Castelle directory properties NetBIOS over TCP/IP must be enabled Windows 2003 Server install requires FaxPress firmware at version 7.0 A few considerations to be aware of: Simple file sharing on Windows XP - meaning: no Security tab or NTFS permissions. Make sure Netbios of TCP/IP is enabled.

15 Installation Requirements
Netware NDS Special Considerations: Netware Client on Computer running installation (Microsoft Client for Netware will not work) “Read Write Replica” enabled on Host File Server Administrative rights to context in which FaxPress user is to be created Administrative rights to context in which the Host File Server exists Novell Core Protocol (NCP) Level 3 not supported Here are installation requirements for Netware:

16 Installation Requirements
FaxPress Unit 10/100 BaseT network connection Analog loop start phone lines FaxPress needs static IP address Server setup run on same network segment as FaxPress Installation requirements for unit itself. Needs static IP address. Does not support DHCP or DNS. If on gigabit ethernet, need to have autosensing or throttle down nic to 10/100 Installation easier if unit and host on same network segment, but you can have on different segments as long as the server setup is running on a machine that’s on the same network segement as the FaxPress unit. Map network drive on setup machine. Another method is to install unit and host on same segement, then use FP Configurator for TCP/IP to change Host IP settings, then move host to different network segment.

17 Installation Requirements
Client Machines Faxmain client installed on user’s workstation Administrative rights to install FaxPress software Typically a client is installed on each user’s workstation to facilitate desktop faxing, or print to fax functionality. If using integration – usually no need to install client on each user’s workstation FaxPress 9.0 makes deployment easier with MSI installer

18 Installation Requirements
Client Machines Minimum Hardware: Intel Pentium III or equivalent 500MHZ or faster Minimum 64MB of system memory Minimum 50MB of HDD Any modern system will do.

19 Installation Requirements
Client Machines Supported Platforms: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista – TCP/IP 64 bit OS support for Windows Vista only Only Support Windows. New support for Vista – all versions.

20 FaxPress Installation
Server Installation Demo Client Installation Demo This section will focus on server and client installation Will also go over troubleshooting server installation

21 FaxPress Server Installation
Demo - Fax Press Server Installation

22 Troubleshooting Scenario
FaxPress Server Installation Troubleshooting Scenario FaxPress Server Installation Common Errors: Can’t find FaxPress on network Can’t create user and group on host machine Can’t set IP Address to the FaxPress device Installing on Windows Host Machine: LAN Manager Authentication Level? Windows XP Firewall enabled? Complex password rule for Windows 2003 environment? Running setup program with correct credentials? No IP address conflicts? Make sure FaxPress unit and host on same network segment Password Policy? – Complex or password length requirments

23 FaxPress Server Installation
Troubleshooting Scenario What’s going on??? Computer Management Tools View Users/Groups View File/Folder permissions View connected users and files in use FP Configurator View FaxPress Server settings Change IP addresses Change login password for S/N User Ping unit – IP address not shared Computer Management – Shared folder/sessions Castelle shared properly? FP Configurator for TCP – check connectivity Change login password for S/N user 14 character limit

24 FaxPress Server Installation
Computer Management Snap-in Computer Management : View if S/N user has session to Castelle folder Open files, see what files the unit is reading or writing Shares – edit share properties Users – rename password for S/N user

25 FaxPress Server Installation
FP Configurator for TCP/IP FP Configurator for TCP/IP utility used: Show settings of FaxPress Unit Change FaxPress IP address Reset Password – change S/N user password first in computer management. Change IP address and host machine name settings. Reboot FaxPress unit Can also reset to factory settings – intially, FaxPress will not have an IP addresss

26 FaxPress Client Installation
Demo - FaxPress client Installation

27 FaxPress Configuration
Basic Server Configuration The following section will go over basic configuration: Minimal configuration so a user can send/receive a fax FaxPress will immediately begin to receive incoming faxes without being configured at all Once the server software is installed and connected to phone lines

28 FaxPress Configuration
FaxPress Configurations: Defaults mostly OK Done through FaxPress client Need Supervisor privileges FaxPress is configured by using the client Can use SNMP (simple network manage protocol) to view and change configuration settings, but recommend just using the client Uses FaxPress.mib (management information base) in program files/castelle/faxpress/admin tools

29 Basic FaxPress Configuration
Fax Line Settings Set remote and terminal ID and local fax number per fax line PBX Pre-Dial (9, 8, etc) up to 5 characters #of rings to answer (how many rings before FaxPress answers the incoming fax call) Set line direction. Select “Not Connected” if no fax line connected RTI (Remote Terminal Id) is sent to the remote fax machine for outgoing faxes, usually displayed on the fax. machines display. (ITI) Imprint Terminal Id is the fax number printed on top of each fax page sent to the remote fax machine Don’t forget to put 9 or 8 here if you need to dial to get an outside line. If no phone lines connected to fax port, make sure line is set to not connected, or FaxPress might use those ports to send out faxes and will get failed faxes.

30 Basic FaxPress Configuration
Fax Line Settings Routing Type Assign Line to User (default is Unaddressed but can be different for each line). DTMF (manual routing by the sender using DTMF tones) DID/PBX (FaxPress will listen for DTMF tones of DID extention) FaxPress associates incoming faxes to a specific user or listens for DTMF tones for routing. This is where you enable the line to receive DTMF tones for automatic routing. Default is set to Unaddressed, but can be set to any FaxPress user.

31 Basic FaxPress Configuration
Line Settings Line Settings Tab RTI (Remote Terminal Id) is sent to the remote fax machine for outgoing faxes, usually displayed on the fax. machines display. (ITI) Imprint Terminal Id is the fax number printed on top of each fax page sent to the remote fax machine Don’t forget to put 9 or 8 here if you need to dial to get an outside line. If no phone lines connected to fax port, make sure line is set to not connected, or FaxPress might use those ports to send out faxes and will get failed faxes. FaxPress associates incoming faxes to a specific user or listens for DTMF tones for routing. This is where you enable the line to receive DTMF tones for automatic routing. Default is set to Unaddressed, but can be set to any FaxPress user.

32 Basic FaxPress Configuration
Storage Reclamation Need to enable “Automatic Clean up” Only received faxes deleted by “Purge old faxes…” option. Best option is to use the FaxPress Archive service Be sure to enable storage reclamation or use Fax Archiver to manage fax queues Will only delete incoming faxes – default is it to delete successfully sent faxes right after it has been sent Suggest using Fax Archiver to manage faxes

33 Basic FaxPress Configuration
Storage Reclamation Storage Reclamation Tab Be sure to enable storage reclamation or use Fax Archiver to manage fax queues Will only delete incoming faxes – default is it to delete successfully sent faxes right after it has been sent Suggest using Fax Archiver to manage faxes

34 Basic FaxPress Configuration
Dialing Properties Select Country code and enter area code Enable dialing PBX access codes Enable PBX pre-dial per local or long distance Apply dialing rules for fax numbers Area Code Rules applicable only for US and Canada FaxPress can automatically dial the “1” prefix for long distance or “011” for international calls when faxing outside the local area code Need to enable this feature and apply Area Code Rules – etheir 7,10, or 11 digit dialing according to the dialing plan in your area code Suggest to use PBX pre-dial field in line settings – only use here if different PBX pre-dial for local vs. long distance calls . Don’t mistake this for PBX access codes

35 Basic FaxPress Configuration
Dialing Properties Dialing Properties Tab FaxPress can automatically dial the “1” prefix for long distance or “011” for international calls when faxing outside the local area code Need to enable this feature and apply Area Code Rules – ethier 7,10, or 11 digit dialing according to the dialing plan in your area code Suggest to use PBX pre-dial field in line settings – only use here if different PBX pre-dial for local vs. long distance calls . Don’t mistake this for PBX access codes

36 Basic FaxPress Configuration
Creating FaxPress Users Supervisor can add users manually through client Need to configure user properties Can base new users on an existing configured user account Users can be easily added through the client FaxPress Supervisor can configure User Properties – at a minimum only user name needs to be configured. Supervisor can only erase user password – meant for users to set their own passwords.

37 Basic FaxPress Configuration
Adding Users Manually FaxPress Supervisor configures user account settings through Users folder under Admin folder. Supervisor can use an already configured account as a template and add other users based on the account

38 Sending and Receiving Faxes
Sending a Fax Sending a fax via FaxPress client Using the Send Fax Interface Receiving a Fax Automatic vs. manual Incoming fax routing Unaddressed folder Incoming Fax Queue

39 Sending and Receiving Faxes
Demo – Sending an Receiving a fax

40 Additional Setup Tasks
Importing users Creating cover pages Creating phone books Configure for automatic routing Fax archiving integration

41 FaxPress Q&A

42 The End

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