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FaxPress Administrator Training Advanced Installation and Configuration A New Generation of Network Fax Servers for Business and Enterprise.

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Presentation on theme: "FaxPress Administrator Training Advanced Installation and Configuration A New Generation of Network Fax Servers for Business and Enterprise."— Presentation transcript:

1 FaxPress Administrator Training Advanced Installation and Configuration A New Generation of Network Fax Servers for Business and Enterprise

2 The purpose of this training is to provide our VARs/Partners education and knowledge of Castelle Network Fax Servers as well as the opportunity to have training of FaxPress installation and configuration.

3 Darius Rike Phone: (408) 852-8016 Fax: (408) 852-8116 Support Contacts Pre-Sales Support (6AM – 5PM PST) Phone: (408) 852-8080 Technical Support Darin McGinnes Phone: (408) 852-8065 Fax: (408) 852-8165

4 Web Training Agenda Advanced Installation and Configuration June 4, 2008 8AM – 9AM PT  About Castelle  Importing Users  Creating Cover Pages  Creating Phonebooks  Automatic Routing  Client Preferences  Server Properties  User Properties  Transaction logs & Reports  Q&A

5 “The All-in-One Fax Solution for Business and Enterprise” Complete network fax solution  Complete network fax solution  Includes all necessary hardware and software  Desktop PC faxing  Fax-to-Email integration  Production faxing  Workflow and Document Management Integration  Integration with Scanners and Multi-Function Printers (MFP)  Tools for developing custom fax applications  Support for leading network environments About Castelle

6 FaxPress Administration Advanced FaxPress Administration Importing Users  Importing Users  Creating and Modifying Cover Pages  Creating Corporate Phonebooks

7 Importing Users using Administration Tools  Import Network Users Utility uses ADSI.  Import Exchange Users Utility uses Exchange Address Book.  Still need to configure user properties. Importing Users

8 Import Network Users utility

9 Importing Users Import Network Users utility

10 Importing Users Import Exchange Users utility

11 Cover pages  FaxPress supports PCL and Word.DOC format cover pages.  PCL cover pages are created using Castelle Cover page Editor.  DOC cover pages are created using Word Cover Page Macro.  Adds CoverPage commands to Word.  Keyword fields populate sender and recipient info from Send Fax interface. Send Fax interface. Cover Pages

12 Creating Corporate and Personal Cover pages  Easiest to modify cover page templates under Personal Folders.  Personal Cover pages added under user’s mailbox folder.  Corporate cover page located on host machine.  Located in Castelle System folder  Rename personalized cover page to “coverpg.doc”  Recommend to keep back up of original Cover Pages

13 Accessing Cover Page Templates

14 Cover Pages Modifying Cover page template

15 Cover Pages Adding Personal Cover Page

16 Cover Pages Publishing Personal Cover Page

17 Cover Pages User can select cover pages

18 Corporate Phonebooks  Native FaxPress Phonebooks  Stores phonebook data on host machine.  Supervisors and Operators can only manage phonebooks.  Create groups and entries manually.  Can import.csv file data. Phone Books

19 Adding Member in Phonebook

20 Corporate Phonebooks  External Database Phone books  Uses ODBC connection to data source.  Supports Excel, Access, Microsoft SQL Server.  Phonebook views map data source fields to FaxPress fields. Phone Books

21 Creating Phonebook views for Database Phonebook

22 FaxPress Configuration Advanced FaxPress Configuration  Automatic Routing  Personal (Client) Preferences  Server Properties  User Properties

23 Automatic Inbound Routing DID/PBX Routing (Automatic Routing)  FaxPress configuration very simple  Line Setting, mailbox Id’s, Advanced function.  Analog line to FaxPress is RJ-11 only.  FaxPress expects DTMF tones on answer.  FaxPress expects 3 or 4 digits but filters have been added to handle other strings with more digits.  Where the analog line comes from is more complex  DID Trunks from local bell to Exacom to FaxPress.  T-1 to Line Termination Unit (Adtran for instance) to FaxPress.  T-1 to PBX to FaxPress.

24 Automatic Inbound Routing

25 Advanced FaxPress Configuration FaxPress Configurations:  Defaults mostly OK  Done through FaxPress client  Need Supervisor privileges

26 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Personal Preferences (Via Fax, Options menu)  Personal Folders (no option to change Faxpress.spl)  Default cover page format: DOC or PCL  Viewer: TIFF or PDF  Select Default Phone Book  Startup Options  Client Tracing

27 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Personal Preferences (Via Fax, Options menu)

28 Server Settings  Can change Server name here  Default Symbol Set should match your systems (PC-8 is default for US)  Default font is used for text attachments  Voice Phone number Advanced FaxPress Configuration Server Properties

29 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Server Settings

30 Advanced Functions Tab  Add a date and time stamp….(only on faxes printed by the FaxPress)  Keep outgoing faxes…. (do you really need them?)  Use the same fax line….(keeps FaxPress from sending faxes to the same fax number simultaneously)  Include Recipients and Senders name….(No cover page?)  When resending failed faxes…..(Reduces time on retries but may break up a fax) Advanced FaxPress Configuration Server Properties

31 Advanced Functions Tab  Truncate Blank Lines (Don’t recommend using this)  After sending fax print entire fax…..(OK)  For outgoing faxes the imprint line….(Pre-pended adds a line, that could cover the top part of the fax).  I am using DID for inbound fax routing….(used to set the number of digits for Mailbox ID 3 or 4)  To enable DID receiving diagnostic…..(only keep on if troubleshooting, requires FaxPress reboot)  Keep a copy when forwarding an incoming fax….(by default if you set a FaxPress user to forward no copy is kept) Advanced FaxPress Configuration Server Properties

32 Advanced Functions (Enable Support For)  Load Sharing  Configure on Slaves Only  Recommend only 16 slave lines max  HP Scanner Support  Via Drop Directory  HP 9100c/9200 and various HP MFP 4100 and 9100 series with LAN FAX support Advanced FaxPress Configuration Server Properties

33 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Advanced Functions

34 Castelle Internet Fax Tab  Outgoing Fax  Must set up Internet Fax Tables  Will use local line if can’t communicate with remote FaxPress  Incoming Fax  Deliver Faxes to Local Users or Dial out over the phone lines  Fax job will be sent to local user according to line settings  Can route to specific users with T.30 Sub-addressing Advanced FaxPress Configuration Server Properties

35 Advanced FaxPress Configuration CIF Properties

36 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Internet Faxing using CIF

37 User Authentication Tab (Novell Only)  Requires Novell Netware Client  FaxPress can be hosted on non Netware File server  Careful with the supervisor account (Can change supervisor privilege). Advanced FaxPress Configuration Server Properties

38 Server Information Tab  FaxPress Server Information  Server name, Serial number and IP address  Advanced: FaxPress software version, build dates and EProm version  File Server Information  File server name  Share name and Directory Advanced FaxPress Configuration Server Properties

39 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Server Information

40  User Account Tab  User name, privilege level, fax and phone numbers  Mailbox ID – Used for DID routing  PBX Access Code  Enforce Billback Code for user  Outgoing Faxes Tab  Set time to send,  Use Advanced button to set baud rate and number of retries  Enable printing of outgoing fax confirmations  Incoming Faxes Tab  Forward incoming fax to other user or fax recipient  Enable printing of incoming fax User Properties Advanced FaxPress Configuration

41 User Account

42 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Outgoing Faxes

43 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Incoming Faxes

44  Printer Configuration Tab  Setup for Network Printing  Enable printing via Printing Gateway  Network Details Tab  Shows user and phone book directory path on file server  Must be logged in as Supervisor to view path information  Archive Settings Tab  Allows user to change the location and type for the archive database Advanced FaxPress Configuration User Properties

45 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Printer Configuration

46 Advanced FaxPress Configuration Network Details and Archive Settings

47 Line Settings not available through UI (fxcfg#.a files)  No_ans_ring = x (number of rings before outgoing call fails)  Did_failure = 1 (no mailbox ID or no match for digits goes to unaddressed)  Rx_baud_rate = (v.27, v.29 or v.27/v.29)  Plus others Advanced FaxPress Configuration

48 fxcfg#.a file Advanced FaxPress Configuration

49 Transaction Logs  Allows Supervisor to view and manage transaction log files.  FaxPress generates log entry on all faxes sent and received.  Log info contains who, when, where, and other information.  Can apply filter when viewing log.  Can be exported as TXT or CSV file format. Transaction Logs

50 Transaction log dates and filters

51 Transaction Logs Transaction log list

52 Fax Report Folder  Reports generates fax transaction log information available in a variety of report formats.  They are a convenient, user-friendly presentation tool for the FaxPress Transaction Logs.  Can only choose from pre-defined reports. Supervisor cannot create custom reports.  Reports can be exported as PDF, Excel, or Word. Fax Reports

53 System Fax Report list

54 Fax Reports Fax Report

55 FaxPress Q&A Presentation available at:

56 The End

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