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6 th Grade: Mrs. Larson.  Respect  Responsibility  Kindness  Integrity.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Grade: Mrs. Larson.  Respect  Responsibility  Kindness  Integrity."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Grade: Mrs. Larson

2  Respect  Responsibility  Kindness  Integrity

3  Parent newsletters can be found on the school website. They are updated at the beginning of each month (http://fk-uusd-  Phone: We have voicemail. My phone number is 949-7740 x. 115.  Planners: Write a note in the planner and instruct your child to bring it to me.  Email:

4  Check planners daily. No planner should be blank. Your student may have homework on Fridays.  Missing assignments are stamped in the planner.  Any missing assignments must be turned in the following morning. No credit will be given for assignments after this time.

5  Students who turn in the missing assignments the next morning will have the assignments re- stamped as “late”.  The majority of homework is unfinished class work.  AR is an important part of homework.

6  Students are required to read an AR book for 25-30 min. 5 nights/week.  Goals are written in the back of your student’s planner. Updates are given every few weeks.  AR is part of your student’s report card reading grade. Meeting the goal earns a grade of “A” for the AR portion.

7  Students are updated on their progress after each quiz.  You can now log on to Accelerated Reader from home and check your child’s progress.  You have the option of receiving an email from the website each time your child takes a quiz. The information for how to do this is included in your packet.

8  Consists of two components: the adopted math textbook and Accelerated Math.  Homework usually comes from the math workbook. We review it in class together.  Homework is strictly credit/no credit. Your child’s math homework grade is the percentage of homework turned in.

9  Accelerated Math provides individualized computer-generated math practice for your student based on 6 th grade standards.  Provides remediation and enrichment as needed.  Final grades include the work done in Accelerated Math.  Special Note: Students who do not know the multiplication facts find math especially difficult. Please work on them at home.

10  All students are expected to use the planners.  Absent students must make up missed assignments. An extra day is given for each day absent.  Test grades are recorded in the planner for parent information.

11  Progress reports will be sent home approximately half way through the trimester. However, you may request one at any time from any of your student’s teachers.  Extra credit work is not given for improving poor grades. Students are expected to do their best work always.

12  Students receive a red stamp in their planner for poor choices made in class.  Behavior notices can be issued for both classroom and playground behavior. Two notices in 30 days will result in an office referral.  Upper graders may not engage in “boyfriend/girlfriend” discussions or notes (even as the “wingman”).

13  There will be a meeting about camp on March 12 @ 3:15.  The website for Camp High Trails is  The dates for camp are May 13-16.  The cost is approximately $250. You may make payments.

14  We must know by 3/21 if your student is going.  If finances are an issue, please see either me or Mrs. Wavering.  The students can fundraise to help offset the cost. We are looking for parents willing to organize the fundraisers

15  Family Life is part of the 6 th grade science curriculum.  There will be a meeting later in the year to allow parents to review the materials if they so wish.  Parent permission to participate is required.

16  6 th Grade Awards Ceremony is tentatively scheduled for May 30.  Laser Island is also scheduled for May 30. This is a reward and there will be a contract for students to attend.  The contract is based on behavior and work completion during the last month of school. More will come home about this later.

17  Please send me an email so that I have your email address.  You can order from Scholastic book club online. Information will come home with the next order form.  I’m in need of a room parent. Please see me if interested.  Music with Mr. Mann: Thursdays  PE: Wednesdays  Band: Monday afternoons and Friday mornings. Students are responsible for missed assignments.

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