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1 Why are certain farm products produced in particular areas?

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Presentation on theme: "1 Why are certain farm products produced in particular areas?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Why are certain farm products produced in particular areas?

2 2 I know that …...many of you guys do not come from the UK. But the climate is quite different from area to another And the landscape is variable too – some is flat and some is quite hilly. For these reasons, what is produced on farms varies quite a lot for such a small place – which makes a good place to look at.

3 3 What is produced on farms in the UK most often This is what is produced most often in these areas

4 4 This is just to show you it not really as clear cut as the other map implies

5 5 We are now going to work out what we think each types of farm needs most often This is what is produced most often in these areas Pastoral Farming animals that are kept in fields Horticulture

6 6 Cold winters (<5 0 C) and cool summers and drier Cold winters and warm summers and drier Mild winters (>5 0 C) and cool summers (<15 0 C) & wetter Mild winters and warm summers (>15 0 C) and wetter If >800 mm it is wet Blue line is 5 0 C Jan line, E is colder The red line is the 15 0 C average July temp

7 7 This is called a relief map But before we look at the relief or physical map Lets just check you know where places are!

8 8 The highest bits Cambrian Mountains Exmoor Dartmoor Pennines Scottish Highlands Southern Uplands The Lake District 5 2 3 4 1 6 7

9 9 The lowest bits The central lowlands of Scotland The Cheshire Plain The Fens East Anglia The Midland Plain 5 2 3 4 1

10 10 People – google earth The red is dense population and light green is nearly as dense, going to royal blue and pink is definitely thin on the ground! Can you think of any reasons why a particular place in a particular colour?

11 11 Farming and People – google earth Is there any kind of farming that you would expect to take place near centres of population? Why? Any that dont need to be near centres of population - in the pink bits? Why?

12 12 The Question is …. Why is that type of farming growth where it is? Is it to do with the landscape? Is it to do with the temperature Or is it to do with the rainfall? Or is it to do with amount of people living nearby? Or is it a combination of all of them?

13 13 Doing it step by step Look at the dark green area – they are sheep and beef cattle Go back to slide 6 – the climate graph. Also check out the WS – that has split that graph into 3 – one for rainfall – one for winter temps and one for summer temp – anything similar about the climate for all green areas? What about the relief map on slide 7? Anything special there? What about the population density – anything interesting there?

14 14 Doing it step by step Look at the yellow area – that is arable Go back to slide 6 – the climate graph. – what can you tell me about that? What about the relief map on slide 7? Anything special there? What about the population density – anything interesting there?

15 15 Doing it step by step Look at the light green areas – that is dairy cattle – what are they for? Go back to slide 6 – the climate graph. – what can you tell me about that? What about the relief map on slide 7? Anything special there? What about the population density – anything interesting there?

16 16 Doing it step by step Look at the brown – that is mixed farming – what is that? Go back to slide 6 – the climate graph. – what can you tell me about that? What about the relief map on slide 7? Anything special there? What about the population density – anything interesting there?

17 17 Doing it step by step Look at the pink – that is market gardening – what does that produce? Go back to slide 6 – the climate graph. – what can you tell me about that? What about the relief map on slide 7? Anything special there? What about the population density – anything interesting there?

18 18 What kind of farm would it be? I will tell you what the farm is like. You tell me what it most likely produced there, using the more detailed map.

19 19 Homework You will have this map and a link so you can look in more detail You are told something about the people who are buying the 4 farms You have to decide what they should produce and explain why. As these are imaginary, there are no correct answers, provided you make a good case for your choice.

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