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Stability Lab Information Manager Software by Stability Professionals, for Stability Professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "Stability Lab Information Manager Software by Stability Professionals, for Stability Professionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stability Lab Information Manager Software by Stability Professionals, for Stability Professionals.

2 Software Highlights: 21 CFR part 11 compliance features Validated according to FDA guidelines Available for Oracle and SQL Server Flexible calendar functions Effortless inventory management Secure data review process Shelf-life projection and trending tools

3 Main Browser

4 21 CFR part 11 Compliance Features: Each user has a unique login name and password Timeout procedure Prompted password expiry

5 21 CFR part 11 Compliance Features (cont.): Changes are recorded in event logs, with the date/time of the change, name of the user, type of change, description of the change, user defined change control code and user comments...

6 Calendar Functions: Multi-laboratory scheduling of tests Generates weekly testing schedules, long term forecasts and late lists Highlights scheduled pull dates that are late

7 Inventory Management: Chamber contents can be viewed instantly

8 Inventory Management (cont): SLIM easily manages various inventory transactions, such as storing, discarding, and transferring stability samples.

9 Protocol Creation and Modification Flexible protocol design features Calculates the number of units needed for each storage condition

10 Data Review: Data entry and verification must involve at least two users with Analyst security rights. Approval of data requires the Supervisor security right. There are 3 steps to the data process: entry, verification, and approval.

11 Data Review (cont.): Data is entered, verified, and approved on the LWR (Laboratory Work Request)

12 Formulation Database: Ability to track formulation composition for each new formulation

13 Formulations Database (cont.): Batch Record - Ability to track individual lots of ingredients for specific batches

14 SLIMStat is a shelf-life projection software included with the purchase of SLIM Data is sent automatically from SLIM to SLIMStat Performs ANACOVA pooling of multiple studies One-sided or two-sided confidence intervals Arrhenius calculations for accelerated data

15 An example of 8 pooled studies

16 Trend analysis

17 Arrhenius Projection

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