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Employer’s responsibilities (A) Suitable clauses (Inconsistent risk of the work allotted) Shall be included intender documents Stating how the risk arising.

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Presentation on theme: "Employer’s responsibilities (A) Suitable clauses (Inconsistent risk of the work allotted) Shall be included intender documents Stating how the risk arising."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employer’s responsibilities (A) Suitable clauses (Inconsistent risk of the work allotted) Shall be included intender documents Stating how the risk arising to men and material from the mining operation / Operations to be done by the contractor shall be managed. (B) Ensure that contractors are familiar with the relevant part of the statute, health and safety management system and are provided with copies of such documents prior to commencing work. (c) Ensure that contractor’s arrangements for health and safety management are consistent with those for the mines owner. All the rules, regulations and bye laws as applicable to the mines owner are also applicable to the contractor. Details of the contractors work men should be maintained in the owner form-B register. Whereas, C, D &E register for contractor men may be maintained independently by the owner. All the above register’s shall be kept in the mine office of the manager. P.N.SINGH. 1

2 2 (D)Ensure that contracts should preferably be of longer period (THREE years], so that there is adequate scope of safety by the contractor. (E) Ensure that contractor’s provide the machinery, operator and other staff with written safe Work procedures for the work to be carried out, stating clearly the Risk involved and how it is to be managed. (F) Monitor all activities of the contractors to ensure that contractors are complying with all the requirements of statute and the system related to safety if found noncompliant of safety laws directing the contractor to take action to comply with the requirements, and for further non- compliance, the contractor may be suitably penalized. clause to this affect may be a part of the agreement between the employer and the contractor.

3 (G) Where a risk to health or safety of a person arises because of non- compliance directing the contractor to cease work until the non- compliance is corrected. CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LOADING COAL/OB BY CONTRACTORS. 1. TRAINING; Before commencement of work, the contractor shall submit to the manager a list of workers already trained, and a list of workers/ supervisors to be trained. manager shall arrange training of the latter as per VT Rules, including traffic rules. 2. IDENTITY CARDS; contractor shall issue identity to his workers. he shall not employ persons found indulging in unsafe acts. 3. FORM-B; Manager shall ensure maintenance of record of contractors workers in FORM B register. 4. ATTENDANCE; Manager shall ensure attendance of contractors workers in statutory attendance register. working hours shall be limited to 8 and spread over to 12 hours[maximum] weekly days of rest shall be ensured. P.N.SINGH. 3

4 5. REST SHELTER; Contractor shall arrange rest shelter with drinking water facility near the place of work. If he fails, the manager shall provide the same and bill the amount to the contractor. 6. SAFETY APPLIANCES; Contractor shall provide helmets and shoes to workers and ensure their use. If he fails, manager shall provide the same and deduct the amount from contractor’s bill. 7. FITNESS CERTIFICATE AND ROAD-WORTHINESS OF VEHICLES (A) Before starting transportation work, contractor shall submit to the manager/agent a list of vehicles/machinery to be deployed at the mine. (B) Colliery engineer shall check fitness certificate of vehicles and maintain a record. he shall ensure checking the fitness of all vehicles/ machinery (including AVA) and recommend to manager/agent to issue passes. (C) Colliery engineer shall be responsible for daily/weekly checking and maintenance of contractor's vehicles. The contractor shall authorize his engineer/foreman or mechanic for daily/weekly checks and maintenance. Colliery engineer shall confirm competency of such authorized persons. P.N.SINGH. 4

5 (D) Colliery engineer and safety officer shall make random checks of fitness certificates,brakes,lights horns AVAs etc. defective vehicles shall not be permitted to enter the mine. (E) The time-in and out of contractor’s vehicles in the mine area shall be recorded in a register at the check-post. 8.UNAUTHORISED DRIVING/RIDING. (A) Contractor shall submit a list of drivers with licenses for verification of validity by colliery engineer and issue of authorization by manager /agent. (B) No helper or unauthorized person shall be allowed to travel in tipping truck. Trained trip men/helpers shall be provided at the loading and unloading points.unauthorised riding shall render driver and the person concerned liable to punishment. P.N.SINGH. 5

6 9. SUPERVISION; Manager/agent shall deploy departmental competent persons for statutory supervision of contractor’s operation. manager shall define pay-loader operation zones, and parking sites of tippers; no unauthorized person shall be allowed in such zones/places. he shall specify safe distances(a)between pay-loader and tipper stationed for loading,(b)between 2 tippers in motion,(c) from toe/edge of the bench. Supervisors(overmen/mining sirdars)shall ensure safe operation of pay-loaders/tippers by contractor’s workers. 10. ROADS (A) Colliery engineer, in consultation with agent, shall fix parking areas of contractor’s vehicles/machinery. (B) Manager/agent shall fix the number of vehicles allowed to enter the mine premises at a time. (C) Rest shelters for drivers/operators shall be made outside the check-post. (D) Separate roads for contractor’s vehicles shall be provided. (E) As for as possible one-way traffic shall be adopted. (F) Ramps and curved sections of haul-roads shall have adequate curvature and super elevation with due regard to speed and height of vehicles. (G) Wherever there are chances of over speeding or roll-back of vehicles, escape lane or escape road shall be provided. P.N.SINGH. 6

7 (H) Manager shall frame and implement code of traffic rules, dumping practices, signaling and communication. 11.DUMPING PLACE: (A) Manager shall ensure sufficient dumping place/space to avoid overcrowding. (B) Authorized parking places and sufficient level space shall be provided on ramps close to unloading point for unloading/reversal. (C) Dumping and manual loading shall not be allowed at the same place. 12. PARKING: (a) No Vehicle shall be parked on gradient. If it is unavoidable,hand brake shall be applied firmly, engine shall be stopped, the vehicle shall be kept in gear and the wheels shall be blocked by stop blocks. (b) Engineer shall ensure availability of adequate number of stop blocks. He shall also ensure that vehicles with the engine running are not allowed to park on the roads. (c) Manager/Agent shall ensure adequate level parking place near loading point. CHP/feeder breaker/weigh-bridge, and dumping place. P.N.SINGH. 7

8 8 EMPLOYEE’S RESPONSIBILITIES: (a) An employee must, while at work, take reasonable care for the health and safety of people who are at the employee’s place of work and who may be affected by the employee’s act or omissions at work. (b) An employee must, while at work, cooperate with his or her employer or other.. CONCLUSION: In the present scenario of global competition outsourcing in mining industry has become inevitable. It is required not only to control and reduce operative cost but also to have access to world class capabilities of the companies chosen for outsourcing. Almost all companies whether public sector or private sector are resorting to the practice of outsourcing of various operations in and connected with the mining. As such, outsourcing is the need of the hour. In the present scenario outsourcing can not be avoided hence the concern of mining industry should be of implementation of proper safety management system with engagement of contractor worker.

9 P.N.SINGH. 9 The mine management should consider that while out sourcing the work the agency selected for outsourcing should also be concerned about the safety and health issues of the persons engaged by them in mines. While cutting down the cost, the importance of the human resources value should be given due weight age. The outsourcing cost should be of such magnitude which covers not only the operational cost and cost for maintenance of health, safety and environment in mines by the outsourcing agency, but also reasonable profit to them. Then only it will be possible for outsourced agency to work on long term basis. The recommendations of 10 th Conference in this regard are of vital importance. While it provides liberty to the management for engagement of lower supervisory cadre staff by the contractor and maintenance of their record separately, at the same time it enshrines the responsibility on outsourcing agency to prepare a safe operating procedure before commencement of work.

10 P.N.SINGH. 10 This safety operating procedure should be implemented by the management and the outsourcing agency religiously for successful implementation of out sourcing so as to compete in global era of competitiveness. The statistical data published by MSHA relating to outsourcing in Indian coal mines provide encouraging results of out sourcing provided proper implementation of practicable statutory provisions are made and proper care is taken for implementing safety, health, & training programmes for persons engaged through outsourced agency.


12 P.N.SINGH. 12

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