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NATIONAL TRACKING POLL National Public Opinion Poll March 21-23, 2014 N=1,846 Likely 2014 Voters #140313.

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1 NATIONAL TRACKING POLL National Public Opinion Poll March 21-23, 2014 N=1,846 Likely 2014 Voters #140313

2 2 RD Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? NATION OFF ON WRONG TRACK WT TotalBy PartyBy Age RDWTRDWTRDWTRDWTRDWTRDWTRDWT DEMs & young voters not as pessimistic.

3 3 Approve And, do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President? OBAMA JOB APPROVAL INVERTED Disapprove Senate battlegrounds even less amicable to President. ApproveDisapproveApproveDisapprove Disapprove +15Disapprove +19Disapprove +22 * “Competitive Senate States” based on all states considered Lean or Toss-up by Cook Political Report 3/21/14.

4 4 Now, thinking about your vote in 2014 for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress, what would you say is the top issue that is motivating your vote? FISCAL ISSUES DOMINATE Immigration Reform Foreign Policy Health Care Federal Budget Deficit and Debt Jobs/Unemployment The Economy Medicare and Social Security DEM (33%) IND (30%) GOP (37%) 18-29 (17%) 30-44 (24%) 45-64 (38%) 65+ (21%) 36%30%29%38%35%33%22% 21%18%14%21%19%18%12% 6%18%21%11%12%15%20% 13%14%16%15%19%14%8% 16%10% 5%6%10%28% 3% 4%3% 4% 2% 3%1%2%


6 6 App Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010? OBAMACARE… DisAppDisAppDisAppDisAppDisAppDisAppDis TotalBy PartyBy AgeBy Party Trust

7 7 Different people advocate different approaches to the 2010 health care law known as the Affordable Care Act and sometimes called ObamaCare. Please indicate which of the opinions below comes closest to your own, even if none of them are exactly right… PARSING OBAMACARE OPINION ObamaCare goes too far. Congress should repeal or defund the law. DEM (33%) IND (30%) GOP (37%) 6%21%40% 12%37%47% 50%30%7% 21%6%2% 11%6%4% The U.S. health care system needs reform, but ObamaCare is the wrong reform. Congress should replace it with common sense reforms aimed at controlling costs. ObamaCare is not a perfect law, but it is a good start. Congress should work to fix the parts of the law that do not work. ObamaCare is a good law. Congress should leave the law alone and focus on other issues. ObamaCare does not go far enough. Congress should work on single-payer health system legislation.

8 8 Next we are going to display a number of statements regarding the Affordable Care Act/ ObamaCare that apply to candidates for the U.S. Senate in various states this year. For each statement, please indicate whether you are more likely or less likely to vote for the candidate based on that statement. SENATE CANDIDATES ON OCARE… Candidate A was the deciding vote in passing ObamaCare in 2010. Candidate A continues to support the law, saying that while it is not perfect, it does solve some critical problems in the health care industry like pre-existing conditions and extending insurance coverage for young people. Candidate A wants to protect and defend the law. Candidate B opposes ObamaCare and says the law should be repealed. Candidate B has pledged to support repealing the law as a U.S. Senator. Candidate C supported ObamaCare in 2010, telling constituents that if they like their health care they can keep it. Now, after the rollout of the law that saw millions lose their health insurance, Candidate C supports keeping the law in place and trying to fix it one piece at a time. Candidate D says that health care in the United States needs reform, but ObamaCare is the wrong reform. Candidate D supports and replacing the law with common sense reforms such as allowing people to purchase health insurance across state lines and allowing people to pay for health insurance with pre-tax dollars.

9 9 CANDIDATE A: PROTECT & DEFEND * “Competitive Senate States” based on all states considered Lean or Toss-up by Cook Political Report 3/21/14. Please indicate whether you are more likely or less likely to vote for the candidate based on that statement… Candidate A was the deciding vote in passing ObamaCare in 2010. Candidate A continues to support the law, saying that while it is not perfect, it does solve some critical problems in the health care industry like pre-existing conditions and extending insurance coverage for young people. Candidate A wants to protect and defend the law. TotalBy Party Much More LikelyTotal More LikelyTotal Less LikelyMuch Less Likely

10 10 CANDIDATE B: REPEAL TotalBy Party Much More LikelyTotal More LikelyTotal Less LikelyMuch Less Likely Please indicate whether you are more likely or less likely to vote for the candidate based on that statement… Candidate B opposes ObamaCare and says the law should be repealed. Candidate B has pledged to support repealing the law as a U.S. Senator. * “Competitive Senate States” based on all states considered Lean or Toss-up by Cook Political Report 3/21/14.

11 11 CANDIDATE C: KEEP & FIX TotalBy Party Much More LikelyTotal More LikelyTotal Less LikelyMuch Less Likely Please indicate whether you are more likely or less likely to vote for the candidate based on that statement… Candidate C supported ObamaCare in 2010, telling constituents that if they like their health care they can keep it. Now, after the rollout of the law that saw millions lose their health insurance, Candidate C supports keeping the law in place and trying to fix it one piece at a time. * “Competitive Senate States” based on all states considered Lean or Toss-up by Cook Political Report 3/21/14.

12 12 CANDIDATE D: REPLACE TotalBy Party Much More LikelyTotal More LikelyTotal Less LikelyMuch Less Likely Please indicate whether you are more likely or less likely to vote for the candidate based on that statement… Candidate D says that health care in the United States needs reform, but ObamaCare is the wrong reform. Candidate D supports and replacing the law with common sense reforms such as allowing people to purchase health insurance across state lines and allowing people to pay for health insurance with pre-tax dollars. * “Competitive Senate States” based on all states considered Lean or Toss-up by Cook Political Report 3/21/14.

13 13 Different people advocate different approaches to the 2010 health care law known as the Affordable Care Act and sometimes called ObamaCare. Please indicate which of the opinions below comes closest to your own, even if none of them are exactly right… DID DEMS DO THEIR JOBS? Democrats who passed ObamaCare in 2010 did not do their jobs to properly understand the impact of the law before voting for it. DEM (33%) IND (30%) GOP (37%) 16%35%54% 9%30%39% 30%20%3% 45%15%5% Democrats who passed ObamaCare in 2010 understood the impact of law, but lied about it in order to both get the bill passed and keep their jobs. Democrats who passed ObamaCare in 2010 understood the impact of the law and decided it was necessary for the country. They should not be punished for playing politics to get it passed. Democrats who passed ObamaCare in 2010 were open and honest about the process. The real world cannot be perfectly predicted, and they are working hard to meet their commitments.


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