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Gord Parker, Spectrum External Line Inspection Technologies

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1 Spectrum XLI - Collect Multiple Indirect Inspection Results with One Pass
Gord Parker, Spectrum External Line Inspection Technologies (Based on presentation from NACE SIEO 2008 Winter meetings)

2 PHMSA R&D Forum (Feb.06) Data Mining/Threat Assessment Topic
“I would like a GPS meter that was designed to integrate with CIS, DCVG, Soil Resistivity, Depth of Cover and ACVG. All this equipment is separate and does not integrate. I have seen CIS meters collect GPS, but not post process sub-meter/sub-centimeter GPS. Since the actual location is in my opinion the most important feature, the GPS equipment should be the center piece to the data acquisition process.” Hart Smalley, Mears

3 Multiple Indirect Inspections
Field work is expensive & often frustrating. Since you’re there walking down the ROW, since all the groundwork has been laid (land owners, access, crews, vehicles, miles of trailing wire, etc.) you may as well make the most of it. Collect your core data *and* maybe extra data – share cost with other departments.

4 XLI Survey Data Geodetic (Scalable GPS Receivers)
GIS data - Land Use, State and Status - Right of Way Inventory Digital Photography Pipeline Location, Depth of Cover, ACCA Coating Condition Test (ACCA,ACVG,DCVG) Cathodic Protection (Annual Adjustive & CIS) Depth of Water Leak Surveys Laser based inventory of off-pipeline structures. XLI does a spectrum of surveys: GPS can be anything from 5-8m single-ended to cm precision RTK. Sub meter standard. Inventory includes facilities, fixtures, test posts, rectifiers, access, crossings, power, ROW markers, etc. Annual / monthly adjustive. Client Configurable Level of Detail All or some at same time.

5 Spectrum XLI System A comprehensive solution for
ECDA Indirect Inspections and GIS data collection. Hardware and software designed for the collection, analysis and reporting of eXternal Line Inspection survey data. * XLI is a term HM is coining for not only this system, but to summarize non-intrusive over-the-line surveys

6 GPS Now, one of the first bits of data people want to know about their pipelines. Where is it, where are the things around it You can now easily measure the distances between points of interest The basis of a Geographical Information System (GIS)

7 Scaleable GPS There are 3 common levels of GPS accuracy
‘Single-ended’ (5-8m) – consumer & non-corrected ~$ Sub-meter (better than 1m) – WAAS/OmniStar ~$ (sub-foot ~$7000+) Centimeter (inch) – RTK correction ~$15,000+ XLI can use any desired source, usually ½ m.

8 GIS The data collected is some of the data that can be used to ‘fill’ the database behind a Geographic Information System. Land use, features, water, etc. can all create or improve existing knowledge of the ROW GIS functions may include integrity assm’t. Reports aiding maintenance planning, digs, mitigation are printed based on this data.

9 Data Collector PSION Workabout Pro G2 or the new iKön
VGA (640x480) touch screen, Bluetooth, Internal 2M+ camera (iKon)

10 Intuitive Software Easy to understand, error correcting inputs
Pull-down lists Targets to Walk To

11 Digital Photos A picture is worth 1,000 words.
Document activity by ROW users, facility condition, landscaping, ROW overgrowth

12 Dig Pictures

13 Pipe Locator - SeekTech
Locate Training is a must. Locator keeps you on top of the pipe while the GPS is collecting data. May also include other tests ACCA/ACVG. Locate position data may show up on data collector screen, reducing the number of devices you need to look at.

14 Pipeline DOC Used correctly, a locator will be within 5%
Modern ones do not require calibration Shallow pipe is a major threat to safety Don’t forget to account for a radius All locators report depth to centerline, the XLI software does this calculation on the fly. SeekTech & RD communicate with data collector thus reducing data entry.

15 ACCA Introduction AC Current Attenuation
A method of determining coating quality from above ground. Simply: Current is generally lost where there are coating problems. Apply a known current and measure at distance intervals to see where it is lost. More loss/distance = worse coating. Current loss can also indicate unknown connections, insulator and casing problems

16 Current Attenuation Graph
Note dB mA - In the old daysyou had to do all this manually AND it was only 1 test.

17 Typical ACCA Survey Results

18 ACVG AC Voltage Gradient *Very* sensitive for small coating defects.
Like DCVG / Pin-to-pin / similar but uses a transmitter, not the CP DC. XLI has patented algorithms for sizing calculations based on 3 measurements.

19 Sonar / Water Depth For water crossings, this is a very good way of finding both the depth of water and the depth of the pipe. Subtract the depth of water from pipe DOC to find depth of cover under water.

20 Leak Surveys Sensit LMD CH4 detector w/ serial data output.
XLI Field Mouse records this data, giving a documented position and concentration. Records concentration continually. Self Calibration, no ‘span’ gas required. Continual self test. Very auditable trail of data

21 CP Close Interval Surveys
Now have processing power to show full waveform, You can see full curve of interruption, ensure that period is suitable. Tag reading(s) as P/S, near ground, far ground, IR metallic Properly filtered voltmeter will not usually see effect of locate transmitter.

22 Field Notes, pH, Resistivity
Defined fields for text to accompany survey and/or be printed on reports. Fields for soil/electrolyte pH readings. Fields for soil resistivity Haven’t found a device that measures these and has a communication method, so entry is also done manually.

23 Land Use, ROW Features Also very important to GIS - Inventory of:
Facilities, valves ROW markers, aerial markers CP rectifiers, test posts, Land use, (arable cropland, native grasses, etc.) ROW access, slope, water bodies, roads, trails

24 Nearby Building / Population
Laser Range Finders can give bearing, distance and elevation to nearby structures Add this to data collector as input source Data Collector software features pull-down lists to classify structures, count population. PC software adds up to create HCA segments, count popl’n. 1000m range, 0.1° resolution

25 Raw data logs Can provide additional data security and operator auditing Records *all* inputs continually, showing where the operator was, when, speed, etc.

26 Putting it all Together

27 Bringing Data into PC

28 Report Generation This is what took a lot of time AND delayed both cash flow and acting on the data. Every hour of field work may take ½ to 2 hours of office work to compile the data and create meaningful charts & graphs. This is where programming has improved the process.



31 Dig Lists After analysing data on PC, flag anomalies
Upload back into field data collector Navigate back to guide dig / repair crews.

32 Thank You Questions? Gord Parker, C.E.T.
Spectrum XLI (Calgary, Alberta)

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