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Salusbury WORLD 2005 Salusbury WORLD Successfully Integrating Refugee Pupils.

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1 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Salusbury WORLD Successfully Integrating Refugee Pupils

2 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Salusbury Primary School London Borough of Brent Inner city school with 650 children, aged 3 – 11 78 different nationalities 42 different languages 45% middle class, 20% refugees and 35% working class 60% ethnic minority 38% free school meals In year 6, only 22% of children started in the Nursery

3 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Our Vision Salusbury Primary School is a multiracial, multicultural, multilingual and multi-religious school. We value this for the diversity of experience and knowledge it brings. We positively encourage the adults who work in the school and the children to respect each others beliefs, language, family structure and way of life. We help children to understand the world in which they live and how individuals, groups and nations depend upon each other.

4 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Which means…. We aim to add something positive to the life of every child who attends our school, whether this is for one day or for the whole of their primary schooling. Carol Munro

5 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Salusbury WORLD Working On Refugees Learning and Development Salusbury WORLD is an independent charity that supports refugee and asylum seeking children and families. Established in 1999, it was the first refugee centre to be set up within and by a primary school. Salusbury WORLD aims to share good practice among schools, and seeks to influence provision for refugee children and their families across the country.

6 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Salusbury WORLD Activities Extra English classes After School and Holiday Club Home School Liaison Family Learning Advice and advocacy on social issues Training

7 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Our Volunteers Trustees: 7/12 have a refugee background After School Club: 4/20 (3 identified themselves as grand/children of refuges) Interpreting/translating Reading and classroom support: 1/4 Training Media relations Mentoring Trips and parties

8 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Possible Opportunities Interpreting /translating Mentoring Learning support Trips, parties and assemblies Sharing home culture, food and languages Sharing experiences Specific skills, e.g. art, sport, building, admin and finance And?

9 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Possible Barriers Recruitment Language Cultural expectations Time/pressures of surviving Young children Lack of confidence

10 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Potential Solutions Induction: building good relationships from the start School culture of volunteering Communication: outreach and personal contact Maximising opportunities for informal contact Creative thinking

11 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Benefits: for the school A means of engaging with refugee families Provides support for other refugees Enjoying and learning from cultural diversity Building the capacity of the school, e.g. interpreting and translating Good role models promoting self esteem and social harmony Can open avenues of funding

12 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Benefits: for the volunteers Volunteering provides opportunities: to be of use, to give to support their childrens learning to learn about the English education system to gain work skills to gain references to meet new people to practice English to be busy

13 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Some responses I love British people because of Salusbury School. I see the school and Salusbury WORLD as my family. Therefore it is my duty, as well as my pleasure, to help whenever I can. And great things have come out of it for me too. For every asylum seeker life is difficult. But we want to be part of life, and to rebuild our own lives

14 Salusbury WORLD 2005 Finally… Recent research shows that there is an observable link between peoples acceptance of asylum seekers and refugees and whether or not they have personal contact with them. Tolerance and familiarity on Britains streets (nfp Synergy 2004)

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