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Pillars of Truth In a new year everybody has great expectations. We come into the new year with a shopping list which we tick off as the year advances.

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Presentation on theme: "Pillars of Truth In a new year everybody has great expectations. We come into the new year with a shopping list which we tick off as the year advances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pillars of Truth In a new year everybody has great expectations. We come into the new year with a shopping list which we tick off as the year advances. We enter into the new year as though we have entered into a supermarket. - We choose what we want or planned for - We pick items we did not plan for by impulse - We arrive at the check out displeased with ourselves having exceeded our budget.

2 Pillars of Truth I will like to share truths that I believe will help us through this year. As all things are ready for us we need to be ready in other to have what God has prepared for us.

3 Pillars of Truth Luke 14:25 - 35 What kind of Dream? Intending to build a tower - A tower was a place of defence or observation, erected on high places or in vineyards, to guard against enemies. It was made "high," so as to enable one to see an enemy when he approached; and "strong," so that it could not be easily taken. What are you intending to build? Your dream must be high enough to avoid attacks.

4 Pillars of Truth Have a dream to build (Intentions) Sit down - Gather All The Info - Think Ahead - Hear from the Holy Spirit Count the Cost (of your actions & faith) Sufficient to finish. Some dreams don’t require abundance but just sufficient or enough to get it started The target is peace whether by negotiation or by warfare. Choose your battles well Prioritise

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