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Traditional Insurance Communication and Materials Zerrin Ekşioğlu, Aksigorta, Asst.General Manager, Marketing and Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Traditional Insurance Communication and Materials Zerrin Ekşioğlu, Aksigorta, Asst.General Manager, Marketing and Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traditional Insurance Communication and Materials Zerrin Ekşioğlu, Aksigorta, Asst.General Manager, Marketing and Communication

2 When you are not a brand… 33 insurance companies trying to compete only by lowering their prices Loss is getting greater Aim is not to increase the penetration, aim is just getting a bigger piece from the existing pie Pieces getting smaller Profitiblaty just relies on operational efficency Limit is getting closer

3 What is a brand… A company is a Promise Touchpoints A customer is the one paying for your promise POSITIONING+ PRESENTATION= MONEY BRAND (BE DIFFERENT) Products Services Agents Bank Call Centers Employees Buildings/Offic es Brand Identity Materials E-Mails Newsletters Receptionist/Voi ce Stores Packaging Brochures Ads Policies Web sites Portals Mobile Platform Applications

4 Touchpoints Customer wants; Empathy Transparency Fairness Quick and good service Easy and convenient products Guidance Experience Control Love a brand Belong to… Insurance is; Complex Luxury Inaccessible Products & Services Why should we love, even like this?

5 Touchpoints No standart experience = no brand! The major channel shared by many brands, Brand communication built by only some old fashioned brochures, And some flags!!! Scrapy office furniture… Do you really want to be presented in these conditions? Agents

6 Touchpoints Do you really want to be presented in these conditions? Agents

7 Touchpoints Do you really want to be presented in these conditions? Agents

8 Touchpoints Do you really want to be presented in these conditions? Agents

9 Touchpoints Agents Or would you rather be presented like this?

10 Touchpoints Your ProductPresented as a Side Dish; In terms of physical presentation you don’t exist, You don’t have a decent place in a bank branch, Best case you are presented by a couple of brochures, Also in terms of sales process you are an obligatory bundled product with banking products Do you really want to be presented as a side dish? Bank Branches How can I love something they made me buy?

11 Touchpoints A channel we waste; Where is the price? Where is the product? Customers don’t care when you are established, Or how many empoyees do you have… Call Centers & Internet Hey, we want to buy!

12 Touchpoints Call Centers & Internet Hey, we want to buy!

13 Touchpoints Call Centers & Internet Hey, we want to buy!

14 Touchpoints We are all the same; Similar promises Similar messages Sectoral Promotion instead of the brand or product Communication unable to build needs Ads, Brochures, TV Commercials What was that?

15 Touchpoints We don’t care after you bought our product; Wrinkled scans Black&White faxes Accountant reciepts Amateur e-mails Hand written “sign here”s Cheapest Courrier delivery Packaging, policies, delivery

16 Around 30 years ago… A quick look in history A typical computer Windows 2.0

17 Around 30 years ago… A quick look in history Apple Computer’s Legendary Commercial in 1984

18 Around 30 years ago… A quick look in history Apple redefined everything related to computers Products…

19 Around 30 years ago… A quick look in history Apple redefined everything related to computers Services… Over 10,000,000,000 Songs sold from iTunes Store

20 Around 30 years ago… A quick look in history And since that day never stopped.

21 Around 30 years ago… A quick look in history What did we do?

22 Around 30 years ago… A quick look in history What did we do?

23 Around 30 years ago… A quick look in history What did we do?

24 Booooriiinnng… We are boring in every sense of the word! We are, what computers looked like before Apple showed up

25 But we can still change… One day, one brand will be “the Apple” of the insurance sector, and everything will change

26 Thank you for your precious time Zerrin Ekşioğlu, Aksigorta, Asst.General Manager, Marketing and Communication

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