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Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) Overview Mexico India Australia U.K. Study Methodology Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) Overview Mexico India Australia U.K. Study Methodology Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) Overview Mexico India Australia U.K. Study Methodology Overview Study of International Employee Benefits Trends United Kingdom

2 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) United Kingdom - Profile India Australia MARKET PROFILE 6 th largest global economy 57 GDP of $2.1 trillion 58 Annual national income per capita: $40,180 59 Developed, wealthy nation Dominated by services sector (73% of GDP) 60 Working age population (ages 15-64) expected to grow from 39.7 million in 2005 to 40.7 million in 2030 61 Median age 38.9 years 62 Life expectancy at birth: 78.9 years 63

3 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) United Kingdom - Profile India Australia Overview BENEFITS AT A GLANCE The National Health Service provides publicly funded health care. However, private health insurance is common. 64 The government provides the Basic State Pension, and provides for tax incentives for workers to fund their own personal pensions. 65 The insurance and financial products markets are highly developed and competitive. 66

4 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) United Kingdom – Employer Perspective India Study Methodology Overview U.K. TOP THREE FINANCIAL CONCERNS AND WORK/LIFE GOALS OF EMPLOYEES RETAINING EMPLOYEESS U.K.: MOST IMPORTANT BENEFITS OBJECTIVES OF EMPLOYERS THAT OFFER BENEFITS ATTRACTING EMPLOYERES INCREASING EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION INCREASING EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY CONTROLLING HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFIT COSTS 83% 78% 75% 71% 54% Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Most U.K. employers offers some benefits, which companies see primarily as a means of retaining and attracting employees.

5 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) United Kingdom – Employer Perspective India Study Methodology Overview U.K. TOP THREE FINANCIAL CONCERNS AND WORK/LIFE GOALS OF EMPLOYEES PENSIONS U.K.: BENEFITS OFFERED BY EMPLOYERS THAT OFFER BENEFITS PRIVATE MEDICAL INSURANCE (PMI) LIFE ASSURANCE LONG-TERM DISABILITY OR PERMANENT HEALTH CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE TRAVEL INSURANCE AUTO INSURANCE 94% 82% 66% 43% 31% 30% 27% Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. The majority of U.K. companies offer their employees pensions and private medical and life insurance however few employers have sought to differentiate themselves by expanding benefits beyond this minimum.

6 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) United Kingdom – Employee Perspective 45% of U.K. employees have critical illness insurance. 35% have long-term disability, or permanent health insurance. 26% have dental insurance. 11% have long-term care insurance. 40% of U.K. employees surveyed are extremely concerned with having more time to spend with families. Behind job security and having enough money to live on. For a group that has been relatively pro-active in assessing and planning for their financial needs, U.K. employees surveyed seem less than fully prepared in many other health-related issues.

7 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) United Kingdom – Employee Perspective India Australia U.K. Overview TOP THREE FINANCIAL CONCERNS AND WORK/LIFE GOALS OF EMPLOYEES PENSION U.K.: WHERE EMPLOYEES OBTAINED DIFFERENT FINANCIAL PRODUCTS CRITICAL ILLNESS LIFE ASSURANCE PERSONAL ACCIDENT COVERAGE PRIVATE MEDICAL INSURANCE (PMI) 48% 10% 34% 18% 11% 22% 12% 1% 51% 13% 32% 1% 3% 28% 14% Workplace Outside WorkplaceBoth Among those who do own these products, most purchased them outside the workplace.

8 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 L0710119824(exp0711) United Kingdom - Conclusions India Australia U.K. Study Methodology Overview Benefits Strategies for Tomorrow, Today U.K. companies recognize the potential value of benefits programs in attracting and retaining workers a task that looks to become increasingly challenging due to demographic changes occurring the workforce: Consider financial education programs to assist employees in making the many important decisions facing workers forced to shoulder more responsibility for their own financial security. Employers can increase the impact of their benefits plans by offering programs that provide employees with better work/life balance. When expanding benefits plans, start with insurance.

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