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Water Based Bituminous Liquid Membrane WATERPROOFERS TO THE NATION

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Presentation on theme: "Water Based Bituminous Liquid Membrane WATERPROOFERS TO THE NATION"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Based Bituminous Liquid Membrane WATERPROOFERS TO THE NATION

2 STP … 6 Factories & Pan India Presence
With 4 Regional Offices & 25 Branch Offices

3 STP Limited 75 Years + in India
Chennai, Jamshedpur, Goa. Kosi, Panoli and Kolkata

4 STP is a diversified player in the infrastructure space
STP is a diversified player in the infrastructure space. It has been in the following business verticals Waterproofing & Insulation Anti-corrosive / Protective Coatings Epoxy Flooring GARA (Grouts, Admixture, Retarder & Accelerator) Repair / Rehabilitation Road Surfacing Sealants & Adhesives Other Construction Chemicals

5 Causes of Leakages Poor quality construction
Poor Maintenance, blocked drain pipes Cracks Lack of proper slope causing stagnation of water Leaking Pipe joints Lack of waterproofing treatment

6 Old Corrugated Leaking Roofs

7 TarFelt LM & TarFelt LM +
STP Limited: Pioneers of TarFelt (which has become a generic name for hessian based felt) Introduces another revolutionary waterproofing  products TarFelt LM & TarFelt LM +

8 A water-based environment friendly “Green” product
Cont.. Advantages over hessian based felts, including TarFelt A water-based environment friendly “Green” product Provides excellent and economical renovation / repair of aged and deteriorated hessian based felts. TarFelt LM / TarFelt LM + can be applied over cleaned existing hessian felts.

9 Waterproofs corrugated metal / asbestos sheets and difficult geometrical shapes.
Compatible for top coating  with SuperSilverShield (aluminium finish with UV resistance properties) or ShaliCryl (Aesthetic look in standard colours) for non- trafficable roofs

10 TarFelt LM Ideal for waterproofing & protecting Asbestos / GI sheets and renovation of Old Hessian Bituminous Felts

11 Tarfelt LM Cold Applied seal cracks, gap in J Bolt, Asbestos / cement sheet /GI sheet TarFelt LM top coated with ShaliCryl 215 for aesthetic look

12 Wall waterproofing with Stone facade

13 Roof Waterproofing using TarFelt LM
Liquid applied Waterproofing membrane system for all types of building, waterproofing work. High crack bridging property Durable, Flexible, Seamless Prevents growth of Fungus & Algae

14 Roof Waterproofing Products: TarFelt LM





19 TarFelt LM Application

20 TarFelt LM application

21 Tarfelt LM Application

22 Providing Protective Screed For Trafficable Roof

23 Other Important STP Products
ShaliCrete P/R/E (Cementitious waterproofing, repair mortar) STP No1 (integral waterproofing compound) Admixtures: ShaliPlast SP, HP, PCE Grouts: ShaliGrout 50, 65, E1, IP, EPP Polysulphide Sealant: ShaliSeal PS GG / PG ShaliUrethane BTD, LHM (PU Waterproofing) Anti-Corrosive: ShaliRustoff/Converter,ShaliPrime Zn R/Zn Ph) Coal Tar / Bitumen Tapes for pipe wrappings Epoxy Bonding agent: ShaliBond Concrete ShaliFloor NM (Floor Hardener), Epoxy Flooring: APP membrane Repair: MicroConcrete

24 TarFelt LM + PU Dispersed Liquid Bituminous Membrane STP has introduced PU Dispersed water based bituminous liquid membrane having all above properties with better elongation and UV resistance

25 Thank You Purpose of Slide Points of Discussion Keywords -
End of presentation Points of Discussion Question “Any further questions”? Keywords

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